Saturday, May 17, 2014


A younger brother, Azman bin Abdul Hamid was conferred a medal by the Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak.

Good for him and that will inspire him to serve his/my home state of Perak to its glory.


Following shots taken with his wife, after the ceremony:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Al Aqsa, here I come again.

A comrade sent several shots when we were outside Al Aqsa Mosque after Friday prayer on 17 January 2014.

I will be on the similar pilgrimage to the same Holy site again from 25 May 2014 to 30 May 2014 and this time around I will be the Chief de Mission for twenty three (23) Jemaah. The most exciting part, the entourage will be at Al Aqsa Mosque on the anniversary of Israq Mikraj on 27 May 2014. Israq Mikraj is the one night journey of Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) from Masjidilharam in Mecca to Masjid Al Aqsa Baitulmuqadis (Jerusalem), henceforth ascending to Paradise summoned by the Almighty. It was on this journey that the ummah of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) are conformed to five (5) daily solat fardhu (compulsory). It started with fifty (50) and by the grace of the Almighty compassion it was reduced to five (5). However, the blessing when performing the five (5) is equivalent to fifty (50) for Allah knows best for His Believers.

Baitulmuqadis (Jerusalem) was the first qiblat of the Muslims before Allah wahyu (message) to the Holy Prophet to divert it to the Holy Kaabah in Mecca.

I anxiously look forward to this journey and I seek Allah for good health and patience. Syukur alhamdullillah, Allah destined and pick this humble soul to make this spiritually journey again, insyaalah.