Wednesday, November 5, 2008

All the best, my friend.

Tuesday, 4th November 2008, just before lunch, I called my friend Zaaba over the hand phone to inquire the status of his trip to perform the Haj. I was glad to hear that he was on his way to Nilai to finalise his impending trip schedule tentatively on 30th November. We agreed to meet after lunch at his Office.

When I arrived at his Office, he was back from Nilai and another friend, Shauib was there too. I congratulated Zaaba and by the look of his face he is very excited and looking forward to 30th November. Incidentally, I first met Zaaba in Mecca during 2006 Ramadhan. From there on, we became friend and sometimes in 2007, we went to Hong Kong and Shenzen China together. This trip will be his first Haj and he will be going with his other half. We continued our informal discussion at Sate Kajang Shop for tea. I gave him several tips and what to expect and do during his Haj. Most important is to be humble and he must set his intention (nawaitu) right. Forget about shopping because he is a frequent flyer to Shenzen China. Majority of the goods in the Holy Land are from China. He had performed the umrah before and he should know better.

We adjourned to Bukit Tinggi Mosque for the Asar prayer. Back at the Office, we were glad that Ustaz Helmi was on the way to the Office. It was our opportunity to discuss with Ustaz Helmi on religious and Haj matter. Ustaz Helmi is a Mutawif of Tabung Haji and it was rather unfortunate that due to medical reason, he had to decline 2008 Haj. He was relating his experiences being a Mutawif and I was not surprise the various human behaviours he encountered and had to be handled delicately. I related to him my recent experience and it was not a surprise to him either. Zaaba meanwhile was listening attentively and we told him about the various difficulties and how to overcome during his stay at Arafah and Mina.

As Maghrib was approaching, I had to excuse myself and Ustaz Helmi and Zaaba adjourned to Bukit Tinngi Flat Surau for Maghrib and Ustaz Helmi is going to give a lecture on akidah.

To my friend Zaaba, all the best to you and your wife. If you are in doubht, refer to the Ustaz. I wish you well and able to perform all the rituals. May Allah protect you and your wife. One last nice to your roommates. In the Holy Land, remember..... all are equal. Allah do not recognise Malaysians as Tan Sri, Dato or First Division Government Officer. You are to completely surrendering yourself to Allah.


zaaba said...

Salam Bro Aji...

Thanks for the useful advised and tips..will keep in mind that everybody is equal...dont worry bro I'm just a Plainman...Not the First Division Government Officer..hehehehehe.

Anonymous said...


Stephen 郑 said...

zaaba is a very good body to do friend. hope you zaaba before haji is a Plainman......hehehehe..