Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fed Up.

I am not buying newspapers or watching news bulletin in the television nowadays. It all began from the Kuala Trengganu bye election and followed by the Gaza onslaught. From the local TV news bulletin, there is too much dirty and one sided political news. From the foreign news, I hate the Israelis incursion at Gaza. I could overcome both present politcal fiasco and the attack in Gaza if I am these two persons: The Sultan of Perak or Barrack Hussein Obama. I am neither both, so I cannot do anything and so, what will be, will be. We can discuss, argue and debate about it until the cows come home, we can never come to a solution because we are not the authority to have the final say. I just don’t care a damn. Plain fed up.


I would turn to my personal computer, facing the idiot for hours. I can get to see and learn a lot of things but not on Perak and Gaza. I surf the google earth and I go to places where I haven’t been, Timbuktu, for example. I retuned to my kampong and try to locate where my grandparent’s house or to the spot where I used to swim naked at the kampong river. I can also access to beautiful sceneries elsewhere and also beautiful shapes and structures. When bored, I steal a minute or two to the censored sites. I can see several sizes, big one, small one and medium one. After all I am paying RM 75 a month and my fingers are not censored to do the walking. Great!! Before I get nut, it’s better for me to release the tension.

I wonder

……everything the Barisan Government does is all correct and nothing is good what the Pakatan Rakyat do. I am not stupid so does most Malaysians. Please give some credit where it is due. I am only looking for justice. If my television set is sponsored by the Government, I would gladly return to them.

I still keeping my old shoes, one day I would throw it away.

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