Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eidul Adha 2010.

The Eve:

Shopping and marketing at Jaya Jusco Bukit Tinggi in preparation for Aidil Adha 17 November 2010. Unexpectedly encounter with an old buddy. (I would blog at the later date about the encounter).

At 1600 hrs went to Telok Gadong looking for “lemang”. I bought two and that would be enough. Adjourned for tea at the nearest Restaurant and got caught with extraordinary heavy downpour.

Between Maghreb and Isyakh, all the jemaah solemnly recited the takbir at the Mosque. Immediately after Isyakh, the Marhaban group organized a house to house takbir and doa selamat. It started with the house of Haji Talib, Haji Idzar, Haji Zulkifli, Capt (Rtd) Haji Fauzi, Haji Abdullah Manaf and finally at about 2230 hours being the last, the house of yours truly.
The Marhaban Members in the House.

Bilal Yuswan lead the takbir and Ustaz Ali Termizi recited the doa selamat. Imam Khairuddin was presence standing by. Since my house was the sixth and the last in sequence they were all filled up and the food spread on the table was hardly touched. However, some managed to find a space somewhere and addressed the lemang and the rendang. The food was not that important after all. It was the “ukhwah” that matters.

By 2230 hours all dispersed to their own nests and I helped to clean up the cups and plates.

The Qurban Day:

Solat sunat Aidil Adha commenced at 0830 hours. Pre solat was simplified by merely short delivery speech by the Mosque Secretary.

By 0915 hours it was all over and most of the Jemaah adjourned to the Pasar Tani ground for the qurban rituals. This year it was sixteen (16) cows in total to be sacrificed. Out of the sixteen (16) one was donated by the State Government and one by the New Mosque Building Contractor. I did not participated as I expected some guests.

The first to arrive was Adenan Mao Tze Tung, a very close buddy. The name I gave him when we were in Mekah. He looks exactly like a Kwantung Chinaman. Joining Adenan was Shasha and her family. This time it was Haji Adenan. Seven month old Luqman Hakim also came along and this was the first time the small guy ever brought to my house. Shasha was guarding Luqman Hakim tightly as she scared that TokMus would keep Luqman Hakim.
Luqman Hakim and the Kwantung Chinaman.
Shasha and Darwis.

After the family left, my neighbor Capt Bakar dropped by. Being a MAS Pilot I normally asked him where from? Among the conversation, he told me he had the pleasure of piloting two trips KLIA/ Jeddah to transit the Haj Pilgrims. At both occasions he entered Mekah to perform umrah. The second trip and umrah saw Mekah jammed packed with Pilgrims.

After zohor my wife’s niece and nephew came from Telok Panglima Garang sending dishes prepared by their parents and we reciprocated in return. They joined us for lunch.

Late Evening:

After Maghreb there was no Muslim Restaurant open for business therefore I invited Raja Sahar, Sabirin and Haji Kemat for coffee at my house.

The next day ………….18 November 2010 is the second day of Aidiladha and business will be back as per normal just like any ordinary day. In Mina Saudi Arabia, the Haj Pilgrims is still camping for the rituals at the three Jamrahs.

Best Aidiladha for me:

It was in 1999 when I performed the Haj. For three consecutive days Mina echoed by the sounds of the takbir and tahmid from within the thousands and thousands of tents spread systematically in the desert. It can make your hair stands. Millions thronged the small area of the three Jamrahs in Mina and each and every Pilgrims performed their obligations to answer the call of Allah swt. Every direction I set my eyes upon there were Pilgrims of all sizes, colors and races but they were just one. One true Muslim, brotherhood in Islam.

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