Monday, January 3, 2011


I hate surprises when something I least expected became a reality. It was her property all these while which I understood so and I took it for a fact. All of a sudden it doesn’t belong to her. It became a property for all when her name does not appear on the Land Grant. On paper it doesn’t belong to her now though by word of mouth she was supposed to inherit the property.

I have no qualm about it. I have no interest to be part of it currently but I don’t know about the rest. Somewhere along the line there will be somebody insisting on the application on the Rule of Law. At the corner of my heart I have my sympathy but it was all destined by Allah and I fear to detest. Allah must have reasons on the sudden chain of event.

It is going to be a long process to unlock a small overlook by the old folks and a lot of compromises from within the interested parties had to be sought very amicably and with intense diplomacy.

This is a case where we should never take things for granted and advisable to countercheck and countercheck. It is a lesson to me too. The best thing while alive got the properties officially transferred and documented so that when the time comes when Allah summoned, all that is left behind is well and deservedly inherited. We came into the world bare handed and leave with nothing except the goods and the sins.

For the Muslims, a property that is left behind is to be distributed according to the Islamic Law of “firaid”. If one has no son, the brothers and the nephews get a fair share too. The male gender outright the female on percentage. However it can also be negotiated to be equally distributed on the understanding of all parties. Only the Syariah Court can determine who is eligible and who are not.

Muslim Law on left behind properties is very fair to all and the utmost criteria are the rights to it and the eligibility. Unwritten declaration cannot be admissible in court.

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