Wednesday, November 14, 2012

KRU Mosque 13th Annual General Meeting.

It was held on 10 November 2012 at the Mosque Multi Purpose Hall commencing at 2045 hrs. Except for three (3), the rest of the 2012 – 2015 Committee Member attended. Haji Murad was away in Kuantan for a Meeting, Haji Ramlan  attending to his coma stricken brother at HUKM ICU and Haji Ariffin Sarip attending family matters in Singapore.

Total attendee including the Mosque Committee Members was forty one (41). With about fifteen (15) comfortably seated on the stage as Committee, just imagine how many left on the floor.

The Meeting was chaired by the Mosque PAS politically appointed Nazir cum Yang Di Pertua PAS Klang and declared opened by Ustaz Khairul Annuar from Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah Klang (PAID). Ustaz Khairul Annuar soon left after his opening speech.

Notably absence was the Mosque Adviser – DAP appointed Ketua Kampong cum Pengerusi JKKK cum Timbalan Ketua PAS Kampung Raja Uda. Where has he gone to? As Mosque Adviser, he should attend. 

As expected the 2009 – 2012 sessions Mosque Nazir, Secretary and Treasurer dare not face the kariah and MIA (Missing in Action). If they were on the right, they should stand tall as gentleman facing the kariah. This is about the management of a Mosque, the “House of Allah” and answerable at the Thereafter. The numerous Penceramah Ugama that they invited to the Mosque is inadequate to doctrine them about Islam and aqidah. Am not least surprise, they must be laughing hiding somewhere in the Kampong feeling the full satisfaction without any guilt whatsoever successfully screwed up the Kampong Mosque and along the way the Badan Khairat Kematian as well. One pertinent point, I hope they will not forget, Allah is watching.


To start with the Meeting, the PA system screwed up. We could not hear or understand a word when Ustaz Khairul Annuar delivered his opening speech. It was suggested by the floor to abandon the PA system and all attendees moved their chairs closer to the stage. The Mosque is a brand new Mosque and this sort of PA system was provided. Goodness me!!!

As the Meeting was about to commence, yours truly together with Encik Shamsuddin Adnan questioned the eligibility of this General Meeting due to the Mosque Statement of Account period of 01.06.2010 – 31.05. 2011 was still suspended and not adopted by the kariah. The Chairman explained that this Annual General Meeting was “just to present the Minute and Statement of Account for 01.06.2011 – 31.05.2012” of which the Committee had consulted PAID, JAIS and MAIS that this Meeting could convene on that basis. Hajjah Normah aired her opinion since criteria and agenda to hold an AGM was fully complied, we should proceed. The Chairman further clarified that there will be no proposal and adoption to both the Minute and the Statement of Account. It was only for the purpose of presentation. On that aspect, the attendees accepted and the Meeting commenced. 

Minute of the Annual General Meeting on 30 September 2011
(As prepared by the 2009 – 2012 Secretary).

A)     Item 6.2 reported, it was no necessity as per past practice, to operate separate accounts for the Orphan (Anak Yatim) Fund.

I stood up to defer as it was my suggestion that the Mosque to operate the Orphan Fund separately from the Mosque account. I called upon Haji Abdullah who was the ex Mosque Treasurer (2006 – 2009 session) and presence to testify that in the past the Mosque operated separate accounts. He took the stand and explained.

As I recalled, Ustaz Khairul who was presence during that particular AGM, commented that certain Mosques do operate two (2) different accounts. The Nazir then, went to say it was troublesome as they have to appoint another Treasurer. Ustaz Khairul rebutted that the same Mosque Treasurer would automatically operate the same and no necessity for another Treasurer. It was agreed that the Orphans fund to be segregated from the Mosque account.

Item 6.2 as recorded was not the actual fact. 

The said suggestion was put forward by yours truly to avoid an accidental consumption of the orphan fund incase the Mosque monthly account goes into deficit.

B)      Item 6.4 reported that the statement of account for 01.06. 2010 – 31.05 2011 was voted and adopted.

Haji Mahmud stood up protesting that the report was completely false and all attendees during that 30 September 2011 AGM knew that the Statement of Account was suspended. It was agreed during that AGM the Statement of Account was to be revised and presented during an extraordinary Meeting within a month from the date thereof of the AGM. Ustaz Khairul Annuar and the Ketua Kampong (the Mosque Adviser) was the witness and able to testify. Very much regretted, Ustaz Khairul Annuar chose to leave upon completion of his opening speech. Perhaps he anticipated he would also be a target at the firing range.

Item 6.4 was proposed and seconded to be deleted, as it was a false statement.

C)      Item 8 – Discussion of Resolution.

Item 8.1 (b) (1) the Minute, reported that the AGM accepted the Resolution that all Penceramah Ugama to posses credentials from JAIS.

Haji Bakar came out with a copy Letter to JAIS regarding one Penceramah Ugama that did not have credentials but no action was taken and the same Penceramah still preaching at the Mosque. The 2012 – 2015 Secretary replied that currently action had been taken requesting all the Penceramah Ugama at KRU Mosque to seek credentials from JAIS. A time frame was given. The kariah took note and will see what would be the outcome. 

There were several other matters discussed at that AGM was not in the minute 

The Secretary’s duty at any Meeting is to record all that transpired during the Meeting.

Meeting of 10.11.2012. 

Item 6.0 – tabling of 01.06. 2011 – 31.05. 2012 - Statement of Account.

Yours truly took the floor - the Statement is null and void as they were not certified by Internal Auditors and all attachments were missing even though stated. There should not be any further discussion on this subject. All agreed. 

At one stage yours truly flared up - how many times does the kampong residents to be ridicule as it had happened before with the Badan Khairat Kematian fund and they went scotch free? Where is the Ketua kampong and why he is not at the Meeting? 

KRU Mosque Statement of Account 01.06.2010 – 31.05.2011 still suspended.
KRU Mosque Statement of Account 01.06.2011 – 31.05.2012 Rejected.

(Please tell me what sort of Mosque management is this? Sad to say it is the same people involved in the Badan Khairat Kematian debacle and the Mosque account management).

It was noted the 2012 – 2015 Mosque Committees had a lodged a Police Report for impropriate pass over of the Mosque account. On the same subject, 2012 – 2015 the Timbalan Nazir commented that lacking of action, attention and advice from the Mosque Adviser – Ketua Kampong is the contributing factor to the mess.

Statement of Account 21.05.2011 – 31.05.2012 – Rejected and Suspended.  

Item 7.0 - Budget.

Presented by the 2012 – 2015 Mosque Committee and adopted.

9.0 – Resolutions received.

Resolution No 4 by Haji Samsuddin Razak was rejected by the Mosque Committee however subjected for discussion. 

The Resolution: Results from the Meeting to elect 2012 – 2015 Mosque Committees was not in accordance to JAIS instruction re para 3.1 Letter dated 31.102012 Ref: JAIS.SEL.BPM/01/006/2 (77).

Encik Shamsuddin Adnan questioned under what basis the Resolution was rejected. The Committee has no right to do so, only the kariah has the sole right whether the Resolution to be adopted or otherwise. The Chairman commented that the subject matter is covered under MAIS Enactment. Yours truly commented that the Resolution in question is only for Masjid Kampong Raja Uda and not interested for what transpired at different Mosques. Haji Mahmud questioned why the appointment of Nazir, Imam and certain Committee Members was not in accordance to those returned by eligible voters. At this stage I sarcastically cautioned Haji Mahmud to feeling good (persangka baik).That was the formula applied to squash the Badan Khairat Kematian debacle.

The Nazir presence cum Chairman proudly said that he was appointed by MAIS.

Haji Samsuddin Razak Resolution was then accepted.


The attendees wish to record our disappointment and regret that the Ketua Kampong cum Mosque Adviser failed to be present at this Meeting. The Chairman gave the excuse that he had to attend to a charity dinner. Haji Johan Ariffin declared his disappointment that the Mosque Adviser gave preference to eating rather than attending to the Mosque and the Kampong affair in general. Yours truly requested that the absence of the Mosque Adviser to be minute. The Secretary noted.

As time was getting closer to midnight and the AGM was not an AGM after all, I lost interest and my nicotine level was depleting, I left the Meeting Hall to top up.

It is interesting to watch what action PAID; JAIS and MAIS would / can take. Insyaalah we have a better and proper Mosque AGM the coming year. 

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