Monday, February 11, 2013

Chinese New Year 2013.

Kong Hee Fatt Choy to my Chinese Readers (if any).

On the eve, it was very quiet; the Chinese were busy preparing for the grand dinner (makan busar) and busy talking and chatting away with their love one who just return home for the family Reunion. I was busy sending Chinese New Year sms greetings to my Chinese acquaintance. 

Azman, my roommate in Medina & Mekah recently, visited me. I had a spare bottle of Holy Zam Zam water and he had to collect it for his kampong folks. The bottle he brought back ran dry. Simultaneously, two (2) boxes of mandarin oranges was dispatch by my Chinese business associates. I also had to rush over to Haji Aripin’s house as he was organizing a kenduri, prior departure for umrah on 12 February 2013. 

George Lim replied my CNY greetings with thanks but he would not be celebrating due to the demise of his beloved sister, Lucy Lim. That was shocking news as Lucy was close to me and regret I was unaware. I called George immediately and was told Lucy was murdered sometimes in August 2012, a mishap of a robbery in her house. It was sadden to hear the news and it broke my heart. I remembered, when I had a mild stroke, Lucy Lim took the trouble to refer me for an acupuncture treatment with the Specialist from China who happened to be in town. She lectured about my diet and recommended to stay away from oily food, take “yong tau foo” often. Every Chinese New Year I will be at George’s place and Lucy was always there to merry the CNY mood. Single and tomboyish, all George’s friends were her brothers too. She was always cheerful, never offended anybody, jovial and the speed she chattered around, I always ask her to pause to understand. Lucy………..…..I really miss you.

At the strike of 12, all hell broke loose. The fire crackers and the firework cracked the silent night and the dogs were barking away. My Chinese backdoor neighbors were celebrating. I was watching the English Premier League and it did not bother me much. I don’t care for as long as they don’t burn down my house. Shasha was fast asleep in the air condition Master bedroom. It cheered me up when Southampton beat Manchester City by 3 – 1. Make easy for MU to be Champion.

Chinese New Year Day – just like any other day to me this year. Meeting all my Chinese friends & other Malaysians at George’s place like I normally did was out as George was not celebrating. Sinnu the Lawyer cum Master Chef who normally cooked the mutton curry had also passed away. I just made a few phone calls to close Chinese buddies. I am not visiting anybody.

It now turned out as family outing and we had briyani lunch at JM Shah Alam Tesco. Shasha love the briyani there. After lunch I took Shasha to the Book Store and I gave her the freedom to choose the reading books she likes. She is now in Standard 1 and able to read story books fluently.
Spend the evening watching EPL again and my favorite, MU beat Everton by 2 – 0. I smiled when I hit the sack.

Hope the Year of the Snake will make Malaysia more prosperous and harmonious among the Malaysians and the years to come. The coming General Election will decide whether Malaysia will pave to the right path. It is up to us, as Malaysian individual to decide to which direction we want Malaysia to be. Ponder a while…….where we want Malaysia to be? It is the “give and take” and “tolerance” by our fore fathers and us since Merdeka that put Malaysia where it is today. We always cannot WIN all. 

Let us all celebrate the same Chinese New Year in 2014 as in 2013.      

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