In Malaysia the full eclipse occurred at 0322 hours and ended at 0505 hours on 16 June 2011. The moon entered the penumbra at 0122 hours and started at 0222 hours.
I observed the rare phenomena on my way to the Mosque. The last full lunar eclipse was eleven (11) years ago.
At the wee hours of the morning we gathered at the Mosque and sharp at 0300 hours the sunat prayer of the lunar eclipse was led by Ustaz Fauzi Sahar followed with the khutbah. Lunar eclipse sunat prayer is classified as “sunat muaakah” – encourage performing. It was two (2) rakaat prayers with every rakaat with two (2) rukuk. For every rukuk and sujud, we read forty (40) tasbihs each.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) during his time performed the sunat prayer for every eclipse of the moon or the sun. The prayer is to remind ourselves the Greatness of Allah, the creation of the Universe. It was to eradicate the perception that for every eclipse it is related to current mishap or disaster. Till today it is encourage abiding the sunat performance of the Holy Prophet (pbuh).
The next full lunar eclipse would be on 10 December 2011 ant it is rather rare to occur twice within a year.
With earthquakes happening at odd parts of the world, tsunamis, volcano erupting, temperatures surging, flooding, famine, war everywhere (Muslims and the Infidels), and the eclipse phenomenal……………perhaps Allah (GOD) is sending a message that the earth is coming to an end soon.
Are we all prepared spiritually to face the day?
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