Monday, June 27, 2011

KRU New Mosque as at 27 June 2011.

The status of the Main Prayer Hall.

The unfinished right entrance.

Fixing Courtyard Spotlight.

The black spots - spotlights to the Dome.

The Courtyard and the Main Prayer Hall.

Passageway of Muslimah from Wuduk Area to the Prayer Hall.

Muti Purpose Hall from the stage.

The Stage.

Main Septic Tank - work to commence?

Anjung Utama.

The Mosque seen from Rear.

Muti Purpose Hall.

The last posting was on 08 June 2011. Few development and glad to see several workers were busy attending to their chores.

Spotlights had been installed for the Dome, Main prayer Hall and the Courtyard. I observed couple of nights ago the Contractor tested the spotlights and the rest of the lighting systems. Certain parts had been roofed and insulation in placed whereas some still open to the sky.

Work on the mehrab and mimbar have not commenced. The main septic tank remains status quo, no work going on. Painting work is not fully completed and the minaret is half painted. Sides fencing completed but the front and rear brick walling is only about 25%.

It’s about a month away from Ramadan and I don’t think it is ready spot on. My estimate it would take another four (4) months to full completion. It’s a bonus if the New Mosque is ready for solat sunat Aidiladha (Hari Raya Haji).

If it’s behind schedule, I don’t have the answer. However late, I don’t care. I’m just an ordinary kampong resident that belongs to the kariah which frequent the current Mosque and follow up the latest development of the New Mosque to record its status by the calendar.

I agree and prefer the Contractor laboring on meticulously so that the workmanship can come out perfect to the full satisfaction of the kampong residents. In the first instance the kampong residents should be grateful for getting a magnificent grand Kampong Mosque. The standard given is equivalent to a District level Mosque.

What else to complain? My only hope to those who are going to manage this New Mosque can do it professionally. Knowledgeable on financial budgetary control is the call of the day as the New Mosque is totally more complex compared to managing the current Mosque.

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