For forty (40) days I am going to forget about Malaysian nonstop politicking. To hell with Bersih 2, the China Doll, TBH suicidal (or murdered?) and Mat Sabu head on with the Police Land Rover and injured his knee cap? My simple ideology, Politics and Religion cannot go together; it may sway off my “akidah” and concentration. I am going to stand behind the Multazam in prayer and doa communicating direct with Allah, for me, parents, family and Malaysia sake.
Insyaalah, as already reserved I would fly by Etihad to Abu Dhabi on 27 July 2011 at 2040 hrs and expected to land in Jeddah on 28 July 2011 at 0355 hrs, Saudi Arabia local time. After Immigration, Custom and Muasasah formalities at Jeddah International Airport, it would be an onward overland of five (5) hour journey to Medina by Coach. The spiritual journey is not that easy, crossing the barren desert and the scorching heat. However, the usual practice the Saudi Arabian counterpart would provide an air- conditioned Coach.
For the second time in 2011, I would have the opportunity; insyaalah to be presence in the Holy Prophet’s Mosque, Masjid Nabawi and visit the Holy Prophet’s Shrine. I had been round the world but to me, the most beautiful place on earth is inside Masjid Nabawi. I really have peace of mind and my concentration is spiritually confined. The program is four (4) days in Medina.
The Holy Prophet's Mosque - Masjid Nabawi in Medina.
Inside the Holy Prophet's Mosque.
On 31 July 2011 the entourage would cross the Desert of Al Rabathah, again by Coach for six (6) hour journey to the Holy City of Mekah. We all would be clad only by two (2) pieces white umrah garment and slippers to perform the umrah ritual upon arrival at the Holy Kaabah. (Underwear and shoes is not permissible to men). I would welcome the arrival of Ramadan in Mekah and will spend the rest until a couple of days of Syawal. This year there will be no Ramadan for me in Medina and will not be able to break my fast with the Ansars and the Mujahirins in Masjid Nabawi, most unfortunate.
Masjidil Haram in Mekah.
Haji Bakir Azizan, my usual Ramadan companion from Melaka would leave for the Holy Land on 31 July 2011 and we would rendezvous in Mekah. Haji Zaaba will join me in Mekah mid Ramadan as he would be taking the last two (2) week package. Haji Faharuddin and Hajjah Rogayah will leave on 1 August 2011 and they will be staying at the same Hotel as last year Ramadan.
( Haji Bakir was my roommate when we performed the Haj together in 1999. Since then we remain good buddies and had spent couple of Ramadan umrah together).
My Group Leader would be Ustaz Hassan Yatim and I was with him during 2008 Ramadan umrah. I am glad I will have several familiar faces around.
Insyaalah during EIDUL FITRI, we will be in the Holy City of Mekah and solat sunat EIDUL FITRI together at Masjidil Haram. I would surely miss Haji Suran Abdul Malik who was with me during last year Ramadan in the Holy cities but he had returned to Almighty the Creator on 16 April 2011.
On 02 September 2011, from Mekah I expected to depart for Jeddah to Abu Dhabi and insyaalah touching down at KLIA on 03 September 2011 at 1400 hrs, Malaysian time. By then Malaysia had celebrated Eidul Fitri and I am going to miss the lemang, ketupat and rendang. I am going back straight to my hometown Ipoh from KLIA and hopefully my folks back home will set a mini Raya feast for me.
I will blog on my journey come September 2011, insyaalah.
(To have an in depth knowledge of “Ramadan”, please google Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
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