Thursday, December 4, 2014

Looking forward.

Three (3) more days and I am off to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and straight to the Holy Land of Mecca to perform the umrah rituals. It would be the first time ever I put on the ihram from KL International Airport. The previous trips, I normally came from Medina to Mecca. Once I was in ihram from Istanbul Turkey to Jeddah and straight to Mecca for umrah.

Thank you to the Mudir, Ustaz Hj Mokhdzar entrusting me the sole responsibility heading the delegation as “Mutawif” of forty one (41) Jemaah. It is a no joke assignment and I sincerely believe that I can do it and would perform my utmost best.

Last Sunday we had conducted the briefing to the local potential Jemaah together with the get to know you session.


Would be back on 18 December 2014. Story of my journey will follow.