Saturday, November 26, 2011

Second revolution??

The return at Tahrir Square.

I posted an article on 2 February 2011 – Cairo turmoil. (You may refer to that posting). I suggested that the Egyptians should give Hosni Mubarak the chance and time frame to find a suitable replacement before kicking him off.

Now after ten (10) months, violence erupted again and perhaps another revolution. This time around, revolting against whom? The Military junta?

I am very sad what’s happening in Egypt today. I’m disgusted about the unnecessary loss of lives. Demonstration and protest does not solve the problem. The country would eventually destroy and the Egyptians themselves are the ultimate looser. The West and the Anti Islam nations would be laughing. Another Muslim country in the Middle East is collapsing.

Does any Egyptians ever ponder why it’s happening and by whose propaganda?

Hosni Mubarak had long gone. So, what more do the Egyptians want? Democracy cannot be created overnight and no country in this world can please all the citizens. Somebody got to sweep the road. If you happen to be the Road Sweeper, don’t blame the Government, blame yourself.

It is only common sense that can make a country peaceful and everybody can go out to work for a piece of bread to feed the family. If the country is in turmoil, everything would stagnate, eventually all would suffer.

Egyptians……..please come to your senses. Israel is waiting to see you destroy. Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya had destroyed in front of your eyes. Let me ask you… an Arab and a Muslim, what have you done about it? Instead you too are destroying your own country.

Go home and don’t crowd Tahrir Square. The pyramids happen to be in your country and tourists just flooding in to upgrade the economy.

I have been to Egypt twice (2X) and really admire the magnificent Pyramids and the beauty of the Mediterranean at Alexandria. The Egyptians had banished the monarchy but His Majesty majestic Palace still being maintained at Alexandria for the Egyptians and the foreign tourists to admire the legend of your monarchy. Your civilization dated back to 2750 BC when the first pyramid was built.

Just like Saudi Arabia, Egypt too do not have to campaign to the world for tourists to flock into your country. Foreign tourists just want to see with their own eyes the Pyramids, the Sphinx, Luxor Valley, beautiful architectural Mosques, the Nile and perhaps your belly dancers.

2011 + 2750 years, by now the Egyptians should learn to love the country. To those Egyptians who currently live on Cemeteries in Cairo, the Nile is lengthy enough for you to cultivate. Get out from Cairo and find the best fertile riverbed. In the Holy Koran, Allah would bless those who “hijrah: to seek a better living.

Hijrah – the migration of one place to another for the betterment.

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