Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good beginning for 2013.

On 7 January 2013, I casually contacted my usual Umrah Travel Agent with the intention of collecting “Upah Haji” Certificate for my late brother in law.

Tuan Haji Mokhzar summoned me to his Office immediately and to bring along my International Passport together with passport size photographs for reasons that I wasn’t aware yet.

Tuan Haji Mokhzar offered me to lead eighteen (18) Jemaah to perform the umrah in the Holy Land departing KLIA by Saudi Air on 20 January 2013 and a day after fifty eight (58) Jemaah will fly out from KLIA and will join my entourage in Medina. I accepted the offer without any hesitation as January/February is the best time to perform an umrah as the weather is very cooling. It’s winter in the Middle East. Currently I am a free lance Retiree; therefore I have all the free time in the world. 

Medina Almunawarah and Mekah Almukararamah……………here I come. Allah Hu Akbar!!!!

I thank Almighty Allah (syukur alhamdullillah) for granting and blessing yours truly to another journey to the Holy Land to perform an umrah simultaneously to chaperone the “Guest of Allah” Jemaah to the same. May Allah grant me the strength, patience and good health to perform that had been entrusted upon this humble soul.  It is not an easy task to manage people from all walks of life and age. May ALLAH help me?
The total entourage, about eighty (80) will cross the 450 km Saudi Arabian Desert heading for Mekah from Medina vide two (2) Coaches on 24 January 2013. Allah bless that I have an extra day in Medina to pray at the Holy Prophet’s Mosque - Masjid Nabawi. The duration of ten (10) days in Mekah, the Jemaah will concentrate on the umrah rituals and surrendering to Allah at the Grand Mosque of Masjidilharam by the Holy Kaabah. I am entrusted to oversee the Jemaah welfare and need. 

I will also take the opportunity and time off, insyaalah to perform an umrah for Brother Mahmud bin Abdul Hamid who passed away recently, late December 2012. 

Insyaalah, will be back in Malaysia on 2 February 2013. The second batch will be back a day after. Therefore, I would be away from the country from 20 January 2013 to 02 February 2013. I will blog and post photographs soon I am back
Syukhran Tuan Haji Mokhzar, for trusting me.

Understand, Masjidilharam in Mekah is currently undergoing a major renovation from Umrah Gate to Fatah Gate. It had been demolished for the purpose of expansion and realignment with the new annex. Substantial praying space had been sacrificed. Since it is the beginning of the umrah season, I expected the number of Jemaah from all over the world will not be as crowded as compared to the Jemaah during the Holy month of Ramadan or Haj pilgrimage season.

Whatever, insyaalah Allah will accommodate a space within the Mosque when one give his/her heart and soul purely for the sake of Almighty Allah. Allah will not disappoint His honored Guests.

Masjidilharam as at 09 Jan 2013 (top view).