Sunday, March 14, 2010

Heading for Holy Land.

Saudi Airline.

Everybody heading for the Holy Land. During this school break, either you go to a wedding or heading to the Holy Land.
My Mosque buddy, YM Raja Sahar with his wife, Dr Norkaedah and son, Syafiq left straight for Mekah by Saudi Air on 11 March 2010. I was at KLIA to bid them farewell and handed Raja the Saudi electrical two pin plug. They would visit Medina last before flying home on 24 march 2010.


On 18 March 2010, my Kota Kinabalu friend, Haji Hasbullah @ Panglima would be heading for the Holy Land vide Royal Brunei from Sri Begawan. We were together during the Umrah/Cairo trip in April 2008. We became good friends since then.

I was on line with Hajah Rogayah and she told me her son Dr Sharif left for the Holy Land on 11 March 2010, perhaps he was on the same flight as YM Raja Sahar. I did not know otherwise I would have caught up with him at KLIA. Malaysian actress, Umi Aida was also on the same flight heading for her “akad nikah” in the Holy Land.

Medina - Masjid Nabawi.

At KLIA it is a usual daily affair that Malaysian Muslims are heading for the Holy Land. Some take the opportunity to transit in one of the Middle East countries or extend to Egypt or Turkey. We have various flights which finally land at Jeddah. To name some, MAS, Saudi Air, Gulf Air, Ethihad, Pakistan Airline, and Yemen Air. There are also connecting flights from Sri Begawan, Jakarta and Bangkok. We can also choose which class to travel and the Hotels to stay. The facilities are already in place, the bottom line is money and the intention (nawaitu).

1 comment:

hasbullahlatiff said...

thank panglima,masih ada ruang untuk saya dimasukkan didalam agenda to holy land anda.
disana sekiranya dpt tempat wi fi, akan saya kabarkan kedudukan masakini makkah dan apa2 disana. wasssallam.