The ultimate destination - Kaabah.
11 August 2010:
We had a smooth landing at King Abdul Aziz International Airport about 2000 hrs local time. Surprisingly, the Immigration formalities were swift and exceptionally commendable. They could even joke with me by handing over the embarkation card instead of the Passport. The Umrah Muasasah Officials was efficiently professional contrary to previous year where we were held back for five (5) hours at the Airport by the disorganized Arab Officials due to mixed Passports.
All of us did our solat jamak at the Airport Surau.
12 August 2010:
The 40 seater Coach was parked at a distance and we ensure all luggage and head counted all excited Passengers were on board. It was 400 kilometers through the desert highway from Jeddah to Medina and the Coach sped like crazy with most of us unaware catching up with sleep. As usual my favorite seat was the last long row solely to myself where I could lie down. We stopped at an R & R Complex for sahor and Wahab kindly sponsored the food. We reached Medina just after subuh where the congregation was strolling away from Nabawi Mosque. I came down and surveyed the surrounding trying to figure out where we were in relation to Masjid Nabawi. We were booked at Andalus Apartment Hotel about 200 meters away west of Masjid Nabawi and across the road is Baqiq. It brought back nostalgic memory where the Hotel is, was once the site of Aziz Khouger Hotel the family stayed during our first umrah way back in 1995.
(Baqiq, the Main Graveyard in Medina).
In front of the Hotel, at the foreground is Masjid Nabawi.

Baqiq is at the back.
After washing up I headed straight for Nabawi Mosque and went to Raudah and the Holy Prophet’s (pbuh) Tomb. I surrendered to Allah at Raudah. I conveyed my salam to the Holy Prophet (pbuh), from my family, my mother and those requested me to convey theirs.
(Raudah is an area between the Holy Prophet’s Tomb and His mimbar. It is as one of the Garden in Paradise). Every Pilgrims must not miss performing at least 2 rakaat solat sunat at this specific area.
On the way back after asar, I met Haji Wan Ahmad, my roommate 2008 Ramadan umrah. It was nice to meet the old man again. A very humble retired Custom Director. We exchanged greetings and information about each other umrah. I never had the opportunity to meet Pak Wan again either in Medina or Mekah after that.
I performed my first terawih at Masjid Nabawi with 20 raakat.
13 August 2010:Friday prayer at Masjid Nabawi. Surprisingly it was not crowded. I expected the opposite and went to the rooftop but to my astonishment it was empty. I met the familiar Haji Kader, the Local Agent in Medina. I came to know him and his brother Yusuf several years back. Yusuf now back in Pattani Thailand.
The second terawih at Masjid Nabawi was 20 rakaat.
I enjoyed breaking fast at Masjid Nabawi as we Malaysian Pilgrims are honorably treated as Guests. An errand boy would wait at the Mosque entrance and ushered us to sit at their sponsored plot. Unlike in Masjidilharam, we have to find a vacant spot and make do what is available.
14 August 2010:Just past midnight I guided Zulkifli and Wahab to Raudah. We had a very solemn moment at Raudah and we could performed several sunat prayers. We had the opportunity to pray in front of the Holy Prophet’s mimbar. At this hour, most Pilgrims were sleeping and we could easily find ample space inside Raudah. Syukur alhamdullillah for the opportunity blessed by Allah.
After subuh we went to Masjid Quba, Dates farm, Jabal Uhud, Makam Syuhadah (Makam Saidina Hamzah) and Masjid Qiblatin. Masjid Quba that interest me most as a wuduk from the residence and perform 2 rakaat of sunat prayer at Quba is similar blessings of performing an umrah.

Masjid Quba.

The Date Farmer.
Immediately after zohor, I had to perform the widak (farewell visit to the Holy Prophet). Left Medina for Mekah sharp at 1430 hrs and we stopped at Bir Ali Mosque for miqat. We were all in ihram. We stopped to breakfast and jamak halfway between Medina/Mekah. It began to drizzle in the middle of the desert and we happily welcome the rain. I was afraid the Coach Screen wipers were not working. Rain is very scares at this part of the world.

Breaking of fast between Medina/Mekah. (Arab style).
We arrived in Mekah at 2230 hrs, when the solat terawih was just completed and we all checked into Hotel Menazil Al Waleed. We had dinner and organized the room allocations. Zulkifli and Wahab was my roommate.
15 August 2010:
Just after midnight I performed the arrival umrah alone. It was great to be in front of the Kaabah again and I thanked Allah for my presence in this Holy House (Baitullah). Upon completion, on the way back to the Hotel, I met Haji Zailan and we both went to the Barber to have our heads shaven bald. Firdaus the long hair lad also shaved off his pigtail and transformed to Yul Brynner. His appearance completely changed.
This umrah upon arrival from Medina was personal to holder.

Pilgrims doing the tawaf seen from first floor.
After subuh, I couldn’t sleep and I wonder around the vicinity to get myself acquainted with the surroundings. I looked for the Laundry Parlor, the Retail Shop and the Money Exchange.
After asar I went to look for my good old buddy, Haji Bakir, my usual umrah mate. I found him at his Hotel and we went to breakfast and performed the terawih together. We did 20 rakaat at our last year Ramadan umrah favorite spot.
16 August 2010:After subuh we went to the Desert of Arafah and Jabal Rahmah. I just came down from the Coach and lazed around as the place was frequently visited. We performed the miqat at Jairanah. Upon arrival in Mekah I performed the second umrah and this time was for my late father, Tuan Haji Abdul Hamid bin Abdullah.

Just completed an Umrah.
Terawih – only 10 rakaat as I was damn tired due to the mid afternoon umrah.
The temperature was 52 Degree C. On the way back to the Hotel, the apricots at the Grocery Store tempted me and I bought a kilo. The apricots were of apple size and juicy. I also filled up the Refrigerator with several fruits juices. From me, it’s all HALAL for everyone consumption.
17 August 2010:
After subuh I went to Tanaim for miqat and performed the umrah for my late Grandfather, Shaari bin Salam. I met Haji Bakir at the saie area and we completed the umrah together at 0930 hrs, exceptionally early.
I decided to buy a plastic pail and washing powder to do my own washing and then send to the Laundry for pressing. Laundry washing was not to my satisfaction as they tend to overlook the collar.

My Bed.
After 20 rakaat of terawih I visited Haji Faharuddin and Hajjah at Al Joud Hotel. I promised Dr Shariff and his brother Azhar to check on his aged parents.
18 August 2010:After zohor, I did my first washing of ihram and put to dry at the 12th floor. It reminded me of my Hostel days.
Terawih – I did only 10 as it was very warm at the rooftop and I was sweating profusely. The laid up sejadah which was left to the sun during the day was warm.
19 August 2010: After subuh went to Tanaim for miqat and the umrah was for may late Grandmother, Hajjah Robimah bte Hanapiah. The weather was scorching hot of 52 Degree C and I was dehydrated. I was so weak and could hardly walk back to the Hotel. I was defeated and I took the zam zam water to wet my face and quench my thirst as well. I promised myself not to be repeated. At the room I drained off a bottle of milk. I was so damn exhausted that after zohor I overslept through asar. In future I must do the miqat immediately after subuh so that I could come back to Masjidilharam at an earlier time before the sun is high.
Ready to set for Miqat.
Terawih - at the rooftop of 20.
I transferred all my coffee sachets to Room 109 since Haji Zailan had a kettle. I requested Raheem (Floor Keeper), to dispatch 10 litre of zam zam water for my room consumption.
20 August 2010:The batch of 2 weeks umrah left for home at 0915 hours. Haji Mokhzar accompanied them. He requested me to hold on to the one month umrah Pilgrims Passports for safekeeping. I beg to decline as the responsibilities were great and instead requested to be handed over to Haji Addel the Local Agent in Mekah. However I promised to look after the welfare of the remaining Pilgrims. I will communicate with Haji Addel of any development or of any consequences that arises.
After zohor we all moved from Room 703 to Room 706 and Haji Bakthiar was an additional roomate. Now foursome.
Terawih – 20 at the rooftop. I went to Felda De Saji Restaurant for roti canai.
21 August 2010:After zohor I went shopping for a “good morning” towel, to wipe the sweat during terawih. I bought 2 Riyal pliers to operate the air condition switches. The knob went missing and we could not control the fan speed and temperature. It was freezing cold and I left it to Wahab to be the MacGayver.
Ten Malaysian Technicians who are installing the Zam Zam Tower Clock joined us for breaking of fast from now on. I negotiated for them with Haji Addel - the Local Agent and they were charged 15 Riyal per breaking of fast and agreed.
The Zam Zam Clock Tower from the Saie Area.
Terawih – 20 at the rooftop. Adjourned to De Saji and met Haji Saat Othman, an old colleague in Guthrie.
22 August 2010:
After subuh I went for miqat at Tanaim with Haji Bakir. The Bus Terminal which was normally beside Hilton Hotel now shifted a distance away to the former Yassen Palace Hotel site. I completed the umrah for my father in law late Abdul Rahman bin Ali at 0930 hrs. Since it was early I decided to sleep at the saie air condition area, to cool down and rested my all over aching body.
Terawih – performed only 10 at the rooftop.
23 August 2010:After subuh by the van in front of the Hotel I went for miqat at Tanaim. The little Arab boy charged 10 Riyal per head and sends us back at Royal Sultan Hotel. This umrah was for my late mother in law, Mariam bte Haji Tahir.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat at the first floor.
Wahab, my roommate was getting sick and he could not stand the cool air condition room. (Later, I came to know why).

Masjidilharam before the breaking of fast.
24 August 2010:At 0200 hrs, I had to summon Haji Addel to take Wahab to the Hospital as his condition was worsening. He was back just before subuh and I advised him to take a complete rest.
After subuh I went for miqat to Tanaim to perform an umrah for my late sister, Hajjah Haslah binti Abdul Hamid. On the way back I stopped at the Pharmacy to buy Adalat 30 for my hypertension.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat at the first floor.
25 August 2010:After subuh went to Tanaim for miqat and the umrah was for my late brother, Haji Salleh bin Abdul Hamid. On the way back, stopped at the Retail Shop to buy Indo Mee Cup and rathap dates.
Masjidilharam in the morning.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat at the first floor. Wahab joined me for Indo Mee snack at the Dining Hall. I was getting sick of the similar food being served every day. Wahab was recovering from his high temperature. I advised him to take it easy and avoid shower during the day.
26 August 2010: No umrah today. I spend the morning doing washing. During asar, my sunat asar prayer was interrupted when two Pilgrims were pushing each other at the back and one of them stepped on my ankles. The huge Arab nearly sprained my ankle.
After asar I went to De Saji Restaurant and bought bubur lambuk and cekodok for breaking of fast. It was just like home.
Masjidilharam at night.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat at the rooftop.
27 August 2010:Friday and no umrah as it was overcrowded. I spent the morning at the Mosque reading the Alquraan. I was late for Friday prayers and the Mosque was overflowing. The alternative was to join the overflowing congregation at Safwah Tower underground.
Subuh at Masjidilharam.
After the Friday prayers I did some shopping at Hilton. I managed to find the Quraan with Mandarin translation as requested by Dr Shariff. Raja Sahar requested me to get a few things for him of which I managed. I bought myself a watch and few books as a memory of my 2010 umrah.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat at the first floor.
28 August 2010:After subuh went for miqat at Tanaim to perform umrah for my late brother in law, Samad bin Abdul Rahman. I completed late, at 1100 hrs.
Haji Adenan called from Medina that he had already arrived there and confirmed with him the amount of dates he has to buy to take to Mekah.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat at the first floor. I was summoned to Room 109 as Haji Zailan bought some murtabak for me.
29 August 2010:After subuh went for miqat at Tanaim and this umrah was for my late grand aunty, Opah Som binti Salam.
It was the last breaking of fast for the 10 Technicians of Zam Zam Tower Clock. Haji Zailan decided to render sedekah and he paid all the expenses. The guys were very grateful and thankful and we bid farewell to them as they were going home to Malaysia the following day for Hari Raya.
Terawih – performed only 8 rakaat as the Technicians wanted to meet me at De Saji Restaurant.
30 August 2010:After subuh went to Tanaim for miqat and the umrah was for my late Grandfather, Abdullah bin Kanda Abdul Rahman. The 7th saie was too tiring for me and I stopped to rest and doze off for nearly an hour.
Haji Adenan arrived from Medina and stay at Defat Mubarak Hotel. I told Haji Bakir to look up for him as he stayed along the same road.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat at the first floor.
31 August 2010:Tahajud started and I did 8 rakaat.
After subuh I met Haji Bakir and we went to Defat Mubarak Hotel to meet Haji Adenan. I got to collect a handphone and Haji Bakir an air ticket Singapore/KLIA.
After asar, Haji Suran and me went to Hilton Ben Dawood to buy dates and dried apricots. The Arabs never learnt how to que up at the payment counter.
Terawih – the Mosque was overcrowded. I did only 16 rakaat. It was surah yasin and the only space not disturbed by the Mosque Police was a staircase landing. I shouted and argued at the Police as he kicked my sejadah while I was praying. The Mosque Official had to calm me down as I was prepared for a stand down with the Police concern. I was so bloody upset that I drank Pepsi Cola at De Saji. I have not drunk that Cola drink for ages. Haji Zailan and Haji Suran was surprised I drank Pepsi Cola and I told them I need to cool myself down.
01 September 2010:Tahajud – I did only 6 rakaats.
After subuh I went to Tanaim for miqat with Haji Zailan by taxi. The umrah was for my late Grandmother, Teh Non binti Busu Latiff.
After asar I went to De Saji and bought kueh teow, bubur lambuk and kuih ketayap for Haji Faharuddin and wife. They were excited to get Malaysian delicacies in Mekah.
Terawih – performed only 18 rakaat as I wanted to avoid the crowd if I completed 20.
02 Sepember 2010:Tahajud – Absent.
After subuh I went with Haji Zailan to Zam Zam Tower as his Zain sim card being blocked. We got it rectified by replacing with a new one. Problem solved.
After asar met Haji Adenan and we went to meet Bilal Yusuf at his Hotel.
Haji Akbar and Cikgu Zaki arrived from Medina and checked into Room 109 with Haji Zailan and Haji Suran.
Terawih – performed only 18 rakaat. Went to Room 109 and we had Malaysian Kopi O.
03 September 2010:Tahajud – performed only 8 rakaat.
After subuh, Wahab and I went to Haji Adenan Hotel to collect the dates that Haji Adenan bought in Medina.
My roomates in the dining Hall.
On the way back, Wahab was missing and when he came back to the room later he was panting. I was surprised to learn that Wahab has only one kidney and he cannot withstand cold and distance walking. I was mad with him that he did not inform me earlier of his handicap. He requested me to call his wife upstairs so that his wife could apply the ointment and gave him a loving massage. I remained awake to observe and upkeep Wahab status and I only dozed off at about 1100 hrs and I missed the Friday prayer. I had to perform the normal zohor prayer in the room.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat at the first floor.
04 September 2010: Tahajud – performed 6 rakaat.
After subuh I walked over to Zam Zam Tower to buy dates with almonds as requested by my wife. I bumped into Ustazah (Ustaz Fairuz wife) and Hajjah Ramlah. We used to be in the same package before.
Terawih – performed 20 rakaat. Later I went to Hijaz Hotel to meet Haji Samsuddin (Mantan Nazir) and we went over to meet Bilal Yusuf at his Hotel. We could not meet Haji Khairuddin (Imam 2) and Haji Rauf (Imam 3) as they were away on umrah. We parted at 2400 hrs as at 0100 hrs we had to do the tahajud.
Hotel Staff distributing food.
05 September 2010:Tahajud – performed 10 rakaat.
Terawih – this was Malam 27 and to the Arabs it was the highlight of Ramadan and Malam Lailatulqadar (Night of 1000 months). It was estimated 3 million pilgrims were praying in Masjidilharam and all space available around. I managed to do only 12 rakaat and at several places. The first 2 was in the Mosque, the second 2 at the Mosque main door and the final 8 at Safwah Tower. At 2000 hrs the Mosque ramp was closed and no entry to Pilgrims. I managed to sneak in but after the first 2 rakaat I was asked to evacuate as it was overspill and suffocating. I saw three pilgrims being stretched to the Emergency Room for treatment. Later Haji Adenan told me it took him an hour to get back to his Hotel as the road was jam packed with pilgrims praying.
06 September 2010:Tahajud – absent.
Sahor – due to Malam 27 and Mekah was jam packed and most roads were closed for traffic, the sahor food was late. I had to resort to Cup Indo Mee and Haji Zailan commented that during a War, Haji Mus would be the first to run off. I was laughing and I told him I was trained on potential problem analysis (PPA) management and I set my strategies. I always keep stock in cases of emergencies.
After subuh I went to Zam Zam tower as Wahab requested me to buy dates with almonds similar as I had bought. I had to assist him as I now knew of his handicap. I took the opportunity to do my own shopping and bought several sejadah for gifts back home. I bought several boxes of Adalat, Avandia and Crestor for my medicinal stock.
After asar I went to De Saji and bought myself bubur lambuk and beef rendang to supplement the food at the Hotel.
Terawih – performed only 10 at the first floor.
07 September 2010:Tahajud – absent.
After subuh went to Tanaim for miqat and this final umrah was for my late Uncle, Ramli bin Mat Serah. Something peculiar happened while I did the tawaf. I saw a pigeon standing on a woman Pilgrim head and it stood still on the head until about one round of tawaf. Many other Pilgrims saw and the woman, whether she realized or not, only Allah knows. What I observed she walked rather faster than any other normal woman doing the tawaf. I could not see her face as it was covered in a thin black shawl.
After asar I went to De Saji and bought roti canai and rendang to be sent to Haji Faharuddin and wife. This would be my last visit as I would be going home on 10 September.
Before Isyakh, I had to summon Haji Addel again to take Ir. Haji Bakhtiar to Hospital. His face was red and he felt hot all over . Haji Addel now took the opportunity to pass over all the Passports and Air tickets for my safe keeping. I had no choice but to take up the full responsibilities.
Terawih – Malam khatam Alquraan. I performed only 16, unable to enter Masjidilharam. I did 14 rakaat at Safwah Tower. After the terawih I bought a jacket for Shasha.
08 September 2010:Tahajud – absent.
After subuh, Haji Zailan asked me to accompany him. I finally bought some cheap jubah and Haji Zailan bought for me a bottle of Black Seed Yemen Honey as a compliment of our friendship.
Terawih – All Pilgrims anxiously waiting after Isyakh. If there was terawih then Hari Raya fell on 10 September. There was and I performed 8 rakaat at the first floor and this was the last terawih.
09 September 2010:No tahajud.
Last day of fasting and every Pilgrims were busy packing off the luggage to go home the following day.
There was no terawih the night before Aidilfitri. After Isyakh, Ustaz X took us to Aziziyah to feast on nasi mandi. I had the opportunity to see Aziziyah by night.
10 September 2010:AIDILFITRI.Last day in Mekah.
I went for subuh very much earlier than usual, at 0330 hrs otherwise I would not be able to enter Masjidilharam for solat Aidilfitri.
Subuh was at 0500 hrs and solat Aidilfitri was at 0630 hrs. I went back to the Hotel after the solat to have my Hari Raya feast. There was nothing special on the table, some ketupat palas and chicken rendang.
I called home and my Mother in Ipoh.
At 0900 hrs I went back to Masjidiharam to do the “widak”, farewell tawaf at the Kaabah. After the tawaf I recited my last doa and requested Allah to invite me to the Kaabah the following year Ramadan, insyaalah provided Allah give me the blessings to continue breathing. My last request to Allah was for forgiveness and for all my family members. I completed the last rituals at 0930 hrs. I left behind the Kaabah with sorrow and with the last look, I bid farewell. Insyaalah, I will be back.
Back in the Hotel I had to organize that everybody were all set to board the Coaster and all luggages loaded. Haji Addel would be transporting the zam zam water canisters separately. I ensured that all the Passports and air tickets were all in order.
With all the Passports in my possession, we left Mekah at 1025 hrs heading for Sultan Abdul Aziz Airport Jeddah.
Good bye Mekah...................insyaalah I shall return, 2011 Ramadan.
Out from Mekah boundry to Jeddah Airport. The Arch is the boundry landmark.
Few kilometers out from Mekah, disaster struck. One of the two front tires of the Coaster punctured.
Somebody brought the Hijrilaswad home? There was not a single workshop in operation on Aidilfitri and the Coaster was limping to the Airport. There was no hurry and we could enjoy the view on both sides of the road.
We reached the Airport about noon and we had another problem, overweight luggage. Haji Akhbar did the negotiation and it was settled. How? Remain classified. I did the collections, perhaps you understand. All luggages now checked in. Everybody could smile.
We finally had package lunch provided by Haji Addel.
Last problem as anticipated was the Immigration. We stood about an hour in line to get our Passport stamped, security checked and our bodies searched. It was just the opposite when we entered Jeddah.
We left Jeddah by Flight MS 672 for Cairo at 1830 hrs and landed at Cairo at 2045 hrs. At the Airport I had my shower and changed to new set of clothing. I had been wearing the jubah since subuh.
Four (4) hours free and easy at the Departure Lounge. Some went window shopping, eating, praying and whatever they wanted to do. I just bought a key chain, that’s all.
11 September 2010:Egypt Air left Cairo vide Flight MS 968 for Kuala Lumpur at 0115 hrs. It was half full and I looked for a more comfortable seat.
We landed KLIA at 1615 hrs.
I was met by my wife, son and daughter. Before I left for home I met all the umrah mates and it was rather sad to say farewell after 34 days of comradeship. I make sure they all get the zam zam water and their luggage arrived safely. Haji Akbar and Zainuddin had to catch up connecting flight to Kuala Trengganu and Kota Baharu respectively.
Routine & Observed.
Reading of the Alquraan and zikir was a daily affair during Ramadan and every time presence at Masjidilharam or at any part of the Infidel Forbidden Land. Those two rituals was a routine and encouraged to do. Everything good done at HARAM soil would be blessed with 100,000 blessing and vice versa. Whatever we do must be with full sincerity and dedication heart and soul. Allah is the ultimate. It is all the work of Allah and no human should play GOD. Unless of course one is mentally sick or simply “jahil.
It was unfortunate to see some male Pilgrims (not from Malaysia) who performed umrah but exposed their navels. As a male Muslims they fail to learn that the navel is the men “aurat”. Like in Malaysia it is common to see female Muslims that expose their heads. The compulsion to cover the “aurat” is not human order but it is the testament from Allah.