Sunday, October 27, 2013

What's over and coming.

UMNO have chosen their Supreme Leaders for the next term. All the incumbents returned. No major surprises. So….the Members decided to retain the old faces and these same faces is going to take Malaysia to the next General Election, five (5) years from now, the very most. I am unable to predict what’s going to happen but I will remain with UMNO through thick and thin for the sake of peace. To me, my Religion (Islam) and Race (Malay) is the only factors that the Malaysians can achieve prolong peace in the country. Malaysia is the most complex nations in the world. We are dealing with three (3) major races (Malay, Chinese and Indians) and five (5) major religions (Islam, Christians, Buddhism, Hindus and Taoists). On top of that we have native races to deal with - Orang Asli, Kadazans, Muruts, Bidayuhs etc. They come along with their own religious beliefs.

The 2014 Malaysian government Budget already presented to the nation. The reduction of 0.35 cents of government subsidy on sugar is a very big hue and cry taken up by the Oppositions. However they fail to recognize the development allocations - new schools, roads, housings and other infrastructures. Government servants were given incentives, bonus and DAP cried out loud. It is all because the majority of the Government servants are Malays. The Chinese lured off from Government services because it is a low paid job and Chinaman want to make money fast and big. They preferred to be Ah Long (Money Lenders) and charge 10% monthly. The Oppositions want everything to be free and they even come out with their own shadow Budget. Any bloody fool can come out with one as they are not managing with the nation financial management. They can promise the moon and the sky. Where and how they get the revenue, they just pluck a figure. The intention is just to convince the Malaysians that they are better and far capable than the present Government. Only stupid idiots buy their idea.

Malaysians are focusing on 04 November 2014 - the bye election at Sungai Limau in Kedah. It’s between UMNO and PAS. The incumbent PAS Rep was the incumbent Chief Minister of Kedah and the current Chief Minister of Kedah is the son of the famous Prime Minister of Malaysia. The incumbent State Assemblyman succumbed due to diabetic complication. Sungai Limau is situated in the State of Kedah, Malay majority state which was wrested from PAS during the last General Election. PAS is a radical Islamic Political Party which gang up with DAP the Chinese radical party and PKR the Anwar Ibrahim the once and ex Deputy Prime Minister which was removed from Office. They shared the same pillow but have different dreams. UMNO have proven to lead the nation since Independence 1957. UMNO is not perfect, I agree but UMNO have proven to unite Malaysians whatever races and religious beliefs. A victory for UMNO in Sungai Limau will be a boost to the new Chief Minister of Kedah credibility. I hope the voters in Sungai Limau will come to their senses as this constituency was under PAS for the past five (5) terms. UMNO slogan is HIJRAH, change for the better as the Holy Prophet (pbuh) made from Mecca to Medina to propagate Islam.

PAS will choose their Supreme Leaders soon and all eyes are watching whether they still want to maintain the Anwarinas group in the Leadership. The sanction of the word “Allah” instead of “Tuhan” to be use by Christians by some factions in PAS shocked Muslims in the nation. It seems there are three (3) mazhabs in PAS, the pro and con of the word Allah and the third one is the Syiahs. PAS once labeled UMNO as infidel due to collaboration with MCA but with PAS collaborating with DAP, what you call that? PAS do not walk their talk.

The Haj season is over and the 22,000 Malaysians Pilgrims are streaming back daily. First time Pilgrims are lucky because the Government subsides about RM 5,000 per Pilgrims and yet some Malay Muslims do not support the Government. Bunch of bloody ungrateful specimens. Come December, the Umrah and Ziarah season is open and Malaysians are again flying to the Holy Lands. I am looking forward to this season as I am assisting someone to facilitate as many Jemaah as possible. Yours truly will also make the journey, insyaalah mid January 2014.         

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