Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Domino Effect.

My biggest fear is the domino effect in the Middle Eastern Arab countries arising from the success of Tunisia Revolution and the current turmoil then in Cairo as posted on 2 February 2011. The Egyptians stood strong to their revolutionary demonstrations and finally topple Hosni Mubarak on 11 February 2011. That paves the way for the other Middle Eastern countries to follow suit.

The tendency, Muamar Ghadafi will go next but he prefers to die in Libya. That is his choice as he was once guided a revolution in Libya himself. On 1 September 1969 Ghadafi, then 28 years old, under a military coup disposed King Idris as-Senussi while the King was undergoing medical treatment in Turkey.

Self decorated Ghadafi, 42 years on the throne.

Today the domino effect is strongly blowing in Libya, Bahrain, and Yemen. Along with it lives unnecessary succumbed to either rubber or live bullets. Some call it “martyr”. Martyr is only when one is dead defending the religion of Islam, not dead revolting against the Government. The citizens want to bring down Monarchy and Revolution Leader to taste the freedom of Democracy. The people rise against the respective government and demand those in power to abdicate and leave the nation. Other countries in the Middle East are getting jittery unstable and worried what may come tomorrow.




As a matter of fact no Monarchy, President and Prime Minister can please every citizens of the country. (Only Brunei can please all her citizens). No street demonstration can be peaceful because someone would take advantage and the whole so call peaceful demonstration can blare off. Eventually, the aftermath is painful to everybody and nobody gain.

The impact – the whole world will tend to suffer, that’s you and me. The price of oil will skyrocket and eventually commodity price would follow. Civil war may erupt in certain country and many more live will go. Countries where commodity prices cannot be control anymore would become a victim as the people will rise against them. The poor will suffer even worse. The mentality of the “uncivilized” and “opposition prone” is nothing but demonstrate against the government without understudying the root cause.

Definitely the year 2011, the Year of the Rabbit started very badly and Allah willing we all can ride through it with minimal impact. With rational thinking, insyaalah, we as Malaysians can do it.

I seek for democratic justice and freedom.

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