Monday, October 3, 2011

KRU New Mosque as at 03 October 2011.

As it is and it was two (2) weeks ago.

Mosque frontage concrete fencing.

Steel frame installed for the "mehrab".

Compared to 18 September 2011, there was not much improvement. Work is still in progress here and there.

The only change I saw, part of the “mehrab” frame work had been installed.

Mosque frontage concrete fencing is in progress. The rest was as per status quo as seen on 18 September 2011.

JAIS had informed during the current Mosque AGM on 30 September 2011 that the New Mosque would be ready within three (3) months from date thereof. So for solat sunat Hari Raya Aidil Adha is OUT. Next year solat sunat Hari Aidilfitri should be possible. Insyaalah.

Personally I am no more excited about the completion. The more it drags on, the better it is. At this final stage, the Contractor should be more meticulous on workmanship and finishing. With the grace of Allah, I pray that the New Mosque would be handed to the kampong residents as a masterpiece and a pride to those who contribute in a way or other to make the dream possible. It was sweat and tears for some and criticism and greed from others as well. It wasn’t easy to build the House of Allah.

Certainly we do not want as the Malay proverb says: Rumah dah siap tapi pahat masih berbunyi. (The house is completed but the chisel still sound).

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