Thursday, December 20, 2012

Corruption/ Civil Servants/ Chinese.

Source: Warisan Tanah Melayu Kita.


Malays or Chinese CONTRIBUTED MOST to Corrupt Practices – Comparison between Malaysia and People’s Republic of China 

Many of us must have been tickled by a statement made by one of newly-appointed Vice-Presidents of DAP, Dr. Ariffin C.M. Omar, blaming the ‘monopoly’ (using his words) of Civil Service by the Malays for CORRUPT PRACTICES in the country. I believe that, the ‘hidden’ message in the statement was, should more Chinese be admitted to the Civil Service, the country will be managed better and there will be less corruption.

Before we find out whether there’s any grain of truth in the statement, let me point out that until very recent past, until last couple of years, generally, the Chinese looked down on employment in Civil Service due to its low pay. Least attractive to them were employment in security-related services like the military and the police force.  Chinese graduates were more tempted to find employment in Chinese-dominated private sector which offered much more attractive pay. Thousands of them even opted for employment overseas after finishing their studies, where salaries are paid in British pounds, Singapore dollars, American dollars, or Australian dollars.

Despite such circumstances which gave rise to Malays dominating the Civil Service, the opposition parties are inclined to inciting hatred among the non-Malays, in particular the Chinese, towards the UMNO and BN Government, by claiming that entrance of non-Malays into Civil Service were much restricted and the non-Malays were victims of discrimination. It’s very surprising that Dr. Ariffin is not aware of those circumstances before making such sweeping statement.

More surprising, Dr. Ariffin must be unaware that the Transparency International(TI) had published its latest findings on corrupt practices across the world,  and had listed Malaysia well above People’s Republic of China in its 2012 ‘Corruption Perception Index(CPI)’. The listing involved 176 countries, and the countries were listed based on scales ranging from 100(most clean) to 0(most corrupted). The latest listing put Malaysia at No.3 among ASEAN countries and No.54 worldwide with a score of 49, while China was placed at No.80 with a score of 39.

This means, a country called People’s Republic of China, with 95% of its 1.2 billion populations are Chinese, is one of the more corrupted countries in the world!!! Since the ‘diaspora’ of Chinese all over the world originated from the Mainland China, such despicable ranking of China in the CPI tells us a lot about the level of corrupt practices among the Chinese, regardless of which part of the world they have migrated to.

What’s then the basis of Dr.Ariffin’s ‘most stupid assumption’ that the Malays ‘monopoly’ of the Civil Service is the reason for corrupt practices in the country? Are the Malays running the Civil Service in China too….that China is listed well below Malaysia?? In fact, without the open secret ‘under-table’ role of Chinese businessmen in Malaysia, Malaysia could have been listed 20 positions above the present No. 54.

It is obvious that only a few ‘stupid Malays’ are attracted, or even paid,  to join DAP, and that only such fools are prepared to be used as ‘window dressing’ for DAP,  to hide their grudges, hatred and ill-intentions against the Malays.


Yours truly recently got a call from Pandamaran DAP Office to come to their Office to collect RM 100 voucher. What? You think I am that cheap? I virtually told the lady at the other end to f off. 

I was 23 when May 13. MELAYU INI TAK MUDAH LUPA.

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