The Kampong Badan Khairat Kematian was formed on 14 January 1969, incorporated under UMNO.
On 4 February 1988 UMNO was considered HARAM, and the Badan Khairat Kematian also doomed.
The fund in the Bank was frozen. To reactivate, the alternative solution was for the BADAN to be registered as a legal society at ROS.
The first Constitution was drafted on 28 November 1989 and signed by late Encik Saleh bin Embi PJK as Secretary and the Yang Di Pertua, late Tuan Haji Adnan bin Chik JP,PPN, PJK.
The BADAN was given a new name -“BADAN KEBAJIKAN DAN BANTUAN KEMATIAN PENDUDUK ISLAM KAMPUNG RAJA UDA, PELABUHAN KELANG”. It was registered with ROS on 19 March 1990 with registration number: 4704/90 (Selangor).
No record of office bearer’s available pre 1997.
1997 – 2000 session.
AGM held on 29 October 2000.
Chairman: Tuan Hj Shamsuddin bin Haj Abd Razak.
Vice Chairman: Hj Abu Bakar bin Bachok.
Acting Secretary: Hj Abd Latif bin Ahmad. (wef 4 May 2000).
Treasurer: Hj Abd Rashed bin Latif.
Appointed along:
Eight (8) Committee Members.
Two (2) Internal Auditors.
No AGM in 1997, 1988 and 199 due to improper Membership record.
2001 – 2002 session.
AGM held on 12 October 2003.
Chairman: Haji Shamsuddin bin Hj Abd Razak.
Vice Chairman: Haji Abu Bakar Bachok.
Secretary: Haji Abd Latif bin Ahmad.
Treasurer: Haji Abdul Rashed bin Latif.
Appointed along:
Seven (7) Committee Members.
Two (2) Internal Auditors.
Two (2) Trustees.
An amount of RM 2615.21 still outstanding from the Chairman of pre 1997 and was recorded in the minute of AGM.
Constitution was revised and presented for approval during this AGM.
2003 – 2008 session.
AGM was held on 29 March 2009.
There was no AGM for six consecutive years).
Chairman: Tuan Hj Abd Rauf bin Hj Solahuddin.
Vice Chairman: Encik Ali Termizi Hussein. – appointed in absentia by the Ketua Kampong.
Secretary: Hj Abd Latif Ahmad.
Treasurer: Hj Abdul Rashed bin Latif.
Appointed along:
Seven (7) Committee Members.
Two (2) Committee Members (additional appointee by Chairman).
Two (2) Internal Auditors.
Two (2) Trustees.
The above AGM was however suspended on the request of Members attended due to irregularities on the presentation of account statement 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008.
The suspended AGM never reconvened.
Currently we are in mid 2010.
The shocking news.
ROS deregistered the “BADAN KEBAJIKAN DAN BANTUAN KEMATIAN PENDUDUK ISLAM KAMPUNG RAJA UDA, PELABUHAN KELANG” effective 26 August 2009. In simple term, it is considered as HARAM.
It was only made known when yours truly got an extract from ROS Shah Alam on 11 May 2010.
It was the second time the Badan Khairat Kematian met its fate at the gallows. The first one was technical and the second was deliberate, irresponsible and miscarriage of responsibilities.
PADAN KAN MUKA ORANG KAMPONG – quoted by one of the Senior Committee Member.
Translation: Serves the Kampong people right. I am sure he has met his objective.
(The rest of the history, please refer to 17 May 2010 and 4 June 2010 posting).
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