Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hamper. Is it corruption?

Though retired about eleven (11) years ago, surprisingly I still received a Hari Raya hamper yearly from my friend. Can this be considered as corruption? I am no more working and beyond my capacity to do any favor to anybody. It was just a gesture of friendship and remembrance from a friend. That is a true spirit of 1 Malaysia. Someone out there still remember me. Thank you...........I am not that bad after all.

The Hamper was as tall as Shasha.


The goodies in the hamper were mostly for kids and I don’t have any small kid at home except for Shasha who normally come to the house on weekend. We waited for her arrival and we gave her the honor to do the unwrapping assisted by her Nenek Da as she addresses her. She was excited looking for chocolates in spite of several boxes of chocolates hibernating in the refrigerator which I brought back for her from Saudi Arabia.

Got the jelly.

Sleepy.........time for bed.

My heart melts when I see the smile on a kid’s face. You seldom capture the same smile from the same kid. Shasha is my Darling and I don’t even allow a mosquito to touch her when she sounds asleep less someone hurting her physically or emotionally. She tears the house upside down and chasing after her downstairs to upstairs on weekend but on weekdays when she is not around we miss her and look forward for forthcoming weekend.

Her pronunciation make us laugh; Motomatic instead of Mathematic and Metodis instead of Methodist.

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