Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcoming Tok Mus home.

Let's raid Tok Mus house, he was already back from Mekah. Sure we could get "duit raya", zam zam holy water, ajwa, and chocolates.

Shasha (Tok Mus Darling).


Pak Busu youngest son.

Zahrol youngest daughter, Alya Farzana.

Pak Busu youngest daughter and eldest son.

Shasha insisted to take my photo.

Cookies first.

Puan Serina and her second son.

Zahrol's family.

Pak Busu offering Zahrol the plate.

Zahrol and Pak Busu (Tuan Hj Mokhzar).

Haji Mokhzar (Pak Busu), Zahrol and Nurul Sheeda brought their children to greet the Old Man and for Hari Raya. I enjoyed meeting the children, their giggling and laughter rocked the house.

I was very glad to meet Shasha after thirty nine (39) days, I missed her a lot.

There will be no Hari Raya open house for 2011 but soon I was back from Ipoh, I had a small "jamuan" and "doa kesyukuran" (thanksgiving) among the Mosque close friends. However, my house is always open for walk in guests.

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