Monday, January 16, 2012

KRU New Mosque as at 16 January 2012.

Rear parking area.

Sheltered walkway Multipurpose Hall/Mosque proper completed.

Rear parking area to be leveled.

Mimbar and Mehrab status.

Front parking area.

Front iron & concrete fencing.

Right side of the New Mosque.

Note the sunlight reflection through the ventilation windows under the Dome.

VIP Room - floor tiling.

The Dome and the Minaret.

Rear view of the New Mosque.

Rear fencing - iron grill to be installed.

Overview from rear.

Entered the New Mosque Complex just before 1000 hrs and was glad to see several workers were busily attending to their respective work. Harun - the Mandore was around supervising the “Anjung Utama” ceiling aluminum foiling.

Mosque frontage fencing completed and lawn lightings poles installed at both rear and frontage. Part of the parking area, only at the frontage, crusher stones already laid awaiting settlement before tarmac work can commence. At the rear section, pile of soils and sands ready to be leveled. Weather had been good in January at work site. Weather has been bright and sunny, conducive for outdoor work.

Wuduk area and Washrooms for Men, Ladies and VIP – tile flooring and walling almost completed but the piping had not been installed.

The covered walkway between the Multipurpose Hall and the Mosque completed and painted.

The Mimbar and the Mehrab work is in progress but unable to tell current status as the Sub Contractor would only be on site before noon. As I could see, the lengthy “khat” had completely installed.

What I noticed significantly: The mid morning sunlight rising from the east penetrates brightly into the Main Prayer Hall reflecting on the Mimbar and the Mehrab area during mid morning. It penetrates through the several all round ventilation windows just below the Main Dome. Probably it is the same situation between noon and sunset. The Mosque is facing west, the kiblat. The solution is to dark tinted the window glasses or installed an electric operated curtains all round whenever applicable. This is just my honest comment and no offence to any party.

The several shots taken by yours truly is the status of the New Mosque.

My forecast of completion: Plus minus two (2) months from June 2012.

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