Thursday, August 20, 2009

Before I fly off......

After the Isyakh prayer on 14 August 2009 I organized a small kenduri among close friends and the Marhaban group. About 40 attended. My friend Ali Termizi and Imam Khairudin performed the tahlil and doa selamat. The food was catered comprised of nasi briyani and simple side dishes to make things easier for the ladies in the house. After dinner a few of my close buddies stayed back for teh tarik and we talked about the latest epidemic of H1N1 and current political issues.

It was not my intention of not inviting the whole Jemaah from the Mosque. Firstly the hall of my double terrace house is inadequate to accommodate a bigger crowd and secondly unable to estimate the food to be prepared, certainly avoiding unnecessary embarrassment. Most of all I need to budget as some cash is required for my expenditure and contingency measures in the Holy Land. The expenses paid to the Travel Agent had already taken a toll and currently jobless, no source of flowing income.

The Perdana insurance and road tax had to be renewed expiring 6 September. Some cash to be left behind to take care of the utilities, phones and my credit and charge cards bills.

It was planned that the following day after attending the wedding of Haji Nazri Yusuf son near Klang Kolej Islam, the family would go straight to Ipoh. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the trip had to be abandon and still sore about it. Somehow the impact had more or less tarnished the anxiety of my pilgrimage but still affordable to withstand the strong waves that splash the beach and forever I must stand alone strong.

I consoled myself quietly and with the assistance of my good friend, Malik Ahmad who was willing to take the wheel, I went all the way to visit my late Father’s grave. The Alfathihah, the qulwallah, the Yasin water and my doa was the only thing I brought for him. I gave the same to two of my aunties who share the same resting area. To the other resident, my “Asalamualaikum ya ahlil kubur”. May their souls rest in peace and gather among the “mukminin” and protected by Almighty Allah.

I would be flying off with a wounded heart and looking back, life is not always that rosy after all. Sometimes Allah wants to test one’s patience and the “iman” in you. Allah knows all and Almighty Allah is always fair. One may not get this but Allah gives that. Be thankful (syukur) to Allah and one would be rewarded, if not HERE, it would be THERE, insyaalah. The fact that my heart is still pumping for the past 63+ years is the Almighty best present to me HERE. I would surely confide with the Almighty Allah when I am there, insyaalah.

My eye is not 20/20 and at night it glares. Though the cataracts were removed two years ago, at times the images are not sharp. I had to get a new pair of glasses. Money, money and money. Talking about money, I have to convert the Ringgit to some Saudi Riyals. In case my coffer running short over there, perhaps my wife would be able to hand some vide my neighbor Haji Adenan who would be joining me in Mekah on 10 September. There is no Ah Long in the Holy Land. I had also informed several friends to suspend sending me emails as in the Holy Land, the Cyber Café are located far off from the Hotel. Anyway, I don’t have time for the Cyber Café.

Without fail I had arranged my usual contribution to the Mosque during Ramadan. I have submitted to Ustaz Usery the necessity for me and my wife demised ancestors. Ramadan is also the month of giving to the living as well as to the one who had gone before us. Don’t forget, one day we will be joining them and hopefully our children would reciprocate.

Insyaalah, when or if I come back I would write about my journey of 2009 Ramadan Umrah. Those who read this, appreciate for a doa for my safe journey.

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