Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Honey is on the way............

The Golden liquid.

My stock is depleting and the Yemen honey is good for health up keeping. It strikes my mind that my ex Guthrie buddy, now Tuan Haji Farid Mohd is in Mekah, counting the days for the hijrah to Medina. I send a short message whether he could do me a favor by visiting Al-Nour Honey Outlet at Safwah Tower, Mekah and get me a bottle of the 120 Saudi Riyal value. Tuan Haji Farid Mohd and Puan Hajjah Rashidah Zakaria is currently staying at the Zam Zam Tower Hotel. I told him about the several Yemen honey varieties available and suggested to taste the mixture that cost 400 Saudi Riyal which is more oomph! The one that I requested is a mixture with “Habatus Saudah” (Black seed).

Within hours Tuan Haji Farid responded “Already bought, had tasted the 400 Saudi Riyal honey, sedapp…..and now thinking to buy”. Tuan Haji Farid Mohd now knows my secret and favorite ingredients from Mekah. So my honey is on the way ……………and will be also making the hijrah to Medina. Masyaalah…..hope the atmospheric of Medina is an additional ingredient to my honey.

I used to patronize a Honey Outlet from my Yemeni’s friend, Abdillah but he changed profession as Children outfit Retailer when I was in Mekah, last Ramadan. Abdillah recommended Al-Nour and it was good bargain. Yemen honey is very popular with the Pilgrims as the honey bees get its nectar from the desert blooms.

My experience – Yemen honey with “habatus saudah” is a good antidote for cough and influenza.

It has also been found to ease diarrhea, insomnia, sunburn, and sore throats. Anecdotal evidence suggests that Yemeni honey has unique healing properties, particularly for wounds that have resisted treatment.

The Quran lauds the salubrious effects of honey. “And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men’s) habitations; There issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men,” says the passage, written 1,400 years ago…

In addition, the Prophet (pbuh) said:

'Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur'an is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the Qur'an and honey.'- Hadith narrated by Bukhari.

Both the holy Qur'an and Hadith refer to honey as a healer of disease.

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