Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Someone asked me what I do now? I have been missing from the morning gossips at the warong and the teh tarik at night. I told him I am a Blogger. He was taken aback and looked curious. I told him I was serious that I am a Blogger. I had to go a long way explaining to him what is a Blogger and the necessary tools I must have. Unlike a Logger, I do not need an axe and saw. What I need is a computer, telephone line, internet access, time and brain. For a start, I told him to read my blog and I even insert a column for him to comment democratically on my articles.

A Blogger can write anything his heart and brain out. It must be factual. In other word it can record history and diary simultaneously. The limitations are getting emotional, spreading lies, racial sensitivity, personal humiliation and binding to ethics. Surely I don’t write so and so is a bastard. For such stupidity and ethics violation, I can be sued in Court. The articles posted are no more personal because the whole world with internet access can read the posted articles. I covered on almost all topics varied from the day I was born to the latest nuclear underground testing by the North Koreans except on religions. I dare not touch on this subject because I am not a Master of even my own religion less others. I leave it to the expert. There are Bloggers who possess only the basic knowledge of Islam but they write as if they are the Mufti. The danger is, if the write out is incorrect or just slightly out of context and readers subscribe to the article, the sins would multiply by multiply. In Islam, there are several schools of thoughts with different interpretations depending on the “mazhab”. The best policies, if you are not well verse, avoid it.

Twenty years down the road my ancestors can recollect all my articles and they have a good history of me and the happenings of the day. Perhaps they would even know who were their great grandparents, uncles and aunties.

The only cost involve is my internet line and of course, my time. I have no specific time for blogging. I retired nine years ago and if I don’t read and write, my brain would get rusty. During my working days, analyzing and drafting reports were the norm of the day. Writing and reading stimulate the brain. The bad habit come along with blogging, I tend to smoke more when I am deeply indulged with the keyboards. That’s when idea starts coming but my wife hates the idea.

Thanking Allah, for I have lived to this date, 63 years and I have plenty of postings to record in It would be a history book in the making for my children and his children’s children.

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