Sunday, June 7, 2009

If I am Mahathir.

If I am Mahathir at this age of 84 and after surviving two open heart surgeries I would just find the praying mat and devote my time to the Almighty. What more do I want? I had traveled to most part of the world, even to Antarctica and the only place I have not been is the grave. Allah had given me to live up to this age and He must have reasons. I must be thankful for even the Holy Prophet himself (pbuh) only lived up to 63 years. Maybe Allah is kind enough to give time for me to repent all my sins during the tenure of my Premiership. Like my favorite song I used to sing, “My way”. I used to do my way; the end is near and now let other people do their way. I should step aside and just count the end of my days.

Everybody must meet the Almighty someday. No exception. No place to hide.

I had been the Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years and I have no problem with money. The Saudi King and the Saud families are my acquaintance, I would just buy myself a penthouse in Medina and another in Mecca nearest to the Mosques as my sanctuary. Every fortnight I would shuttle between the two cities, only 480 kilometer away and I would spend my time in the Holy Land praying the five daily prayers at the Holy Prophet Mosque in Medina (Masjid Nabawi) and the Grand Mosque in Mecca (Masjidil Haram). Every living year I perform the Haj and be the guest of the Saudi King. My rituals would be made simpler than the ordinary Malaysian because I was once the Chairman of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC). Surely the Kingdom would provide me all the protocol and security for my safe and easy passage. If I happen to die in one of the cities, it is Allah blessing for these two places are the two last places on earth to be destroyed during Doomsday.

Food in Mecca should not be a problem for me. Since I had two bypasses I should avoid oil and the Arabic breads are not fried. If I am longing for Malay food or sambal belacan there is a Malay Restaurant operated by Felda at Safwan Tower very close to Masjidil Haram. There are also plenty of Pakistan and Mamak Restaurants both in Mecca and Medina to supply me the curry and briyani. I got to be careful on my diet because another Doctor is always by me. I don’t have to worry about the halal and haram because in Mecca and Medina all food and drinks are halal.

At this age, I should give up politic completely and after all, I have witnessed the departure of Abdullah Badawi and paralyzed the son in law. Now my son is the Deputy Trade Minister and he can always make an excuse to start trading with the Saudi Kingdom and simultaneously he can drop by to visit me. Perhaps the Prime Minister can allow him to use the Malaysian Executive jet and I can hitch a ride home to Malaysia to check on the Prime Minister himself whether he is following my instructions.

Surely in Mecca and Medina I can stroll freely, shopping or slow walking because both cities are safe. There are no such things as Mat Rempit and snatch thieves there. No one dare to hurt anybody there because the law of the Kingdom is hudud. I would understudy in depth about this hudud thing and since I have declared Malaysia as a Muslim country perhaps I would recommend to the Prime Minister to implement that hudud law in Malaysia some day. Who cares whether Kit Siang or Karpal strongly objecting because it is no more my problem? It’s Najib. If they are getting too much I ask Najib’s cousin to throw them to Kemunting Inn. Let the Chinaman and the Bahei rot there for they should very well know that Malaysia is a Malay Kingdom.

I surely would like to recommend to the Saudi King to privatize the highways in Saudi Arabia and collect tolls. PLUS Malaysia would be my top recommendation to get the project. The Jeddah/Medina/Mecca highways is fully utilize throughout the year as Muslims from all over the world would come to Saudi Arabia to perform the umrah and Haj. I would ask PLUS to upgrade the R&R so that Malaysians and all pilgrims would enjoy the rest area for its first class toilet facilities, like the one they did in Tapah and clean sand free Surau. At Tapah, the R&R toilets are superbly clean; you can even sleep in the toilets.

BUT……I am not Mahathir. I was just fantasizing if I am Mahathir. I am just an ordinary human being living on my saving, my wife pension and my two children blessings. My end is also near and I too have to meet the Almighty one day. In the meantime I do what I can as a devoted Muslims. My pasts were full of sins and I was leading a flamboyant life during my younger days. Those were the days during the “jahiliyah” era. Almighty Allah is giving me the time to remorse and repents.

Syukur alahamdulillah. (Thanks to Allah).

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