Monday, July 13, 2009

9 October 2003 (Thursday).

My world went upside down on this date and day. About 0900 hrs as I was about to get out from bed, everything was slanting. I could not stand upright and slumped back to bed. The ceiling was moving. I knew something was wrong. Suddenly my left hand and leg became stiff. I called for my wife who was downstairs and ready to go for her Koraan lesson. My daughter was about to drive out to UITM to register for her next semester. Both rushed upstairs and I told them I need to go to Hospital immediately. I felt I need to answer the call of nature and my wife assisted me to the Toilet. I put on the shirt and trousers and practically was sliding down the staircase as I could not walk anymore. I entered the car at the back seat and lied down. My daughter drove.

At about 0930 hrs arrived at Pantai Medical Centre. I was put on a wheelchair and ushered into the emergency unit. I could not open my eyes for the world would spin. The Doctor gave me an injection, checked my blood pressure and my condition was constantly monitored. At about 1030 hrs I was taken for other medical check and x rayed taken on my chest. I was then refered to Doctor Zachariah Varguess, the Consultant Physician. He told me I just had a mild stroke and warded. The left portion of my body was affected and my speech slurred. By noon the news spread, my brothers and cousin rushed to Klang Pantai Medical Center. My closest cousin, Dato Malek even brought a Yasin thinking that I was terminal. By evening, my Mother arrived from Ipoh. It was about midnight that I felt very hungry and my wife fed me with bread soaked in milk. I did not consume anything during the whole day.

The next day, Friday afternoon I was taken in an ambulance to the main Pantai Medical Center at Bangsar for MRI, to scan my brain. The whole Federal Highway gave way to me as I passed by. The Highway was busy after the Friday prayers. I did not know anything as I was just closing my eyes while the siren blared. My wife and two children accompanied me in the ambulance and it was our first experience in an ambulance. I was slide into the MRI machine and for twenty minutes I had to lie still while the machine scanned my brain. My ears were plugged as the machine sounds like a piling hammer. It was twenty minute nightmare. I was taken back to Klang Medical Center and upon arrival I saw all my Mosque mates came to visit me. They came after the Asar prayer and I explained to them my misfortune with my slurred speech. When I was hit by the mild stroke, the negative thought was that I would be disabled for the rest of my life. Permanently on the wheel chair really scared me. I was damn worried that I would be OKU (Orang Kurang Upaya).

From the MRI film, Doctor Zach told me I was rather lucky that the clog in my brain artillery was only about 10 – 15 seconds and the road to recovery was very optimistic. I was delighted and determined at whatever cost, I would recover. I had to bring down my weight, control my sugar content and plenty of light exercise. Most importantly, stop smoking.

By the third day all the stiffness had gone but I had to walk with walking stick. On the fifth day I was discharged. My nephew told me no more EPL (English Premier League) for me. I kept away from television anyway. For one solid year I kept myself isolated and busy involved on my personal therapy, mentally and physically. I gave up golf completely; in fact on the afternoon when I was down I was to play at Port Klang Golf Resort with Azhar. I also resigned from the New Mosque Committee due to health reason. I could not drive anymore and to kill my boredom my friend, Malek Ahmad would be my chauffer buddy. Both my eye sights were fading and cataracts were developing. Every evening when the weather permitted, I walked round the kampong with a few kids accompanied me. I bought them an ice cream after that. They were happy and I was cheerful with their laughter and antics. That too was a medication for me.

My control diets since discharged from Pantai are Adalat 30, Avandia 2 mg and Crestor as prescribed by Doctor Zachariah Varguess. The Adalat is for hypertension, the Avandia for sugar control and the Crestor for cholesterol. Interestingly, I got my supplies from Saudi Arabia which is far cheaper than Malaysia. Up to this date I am on that medication.

Insyaalah, I am now back to normal, at least 90% and I take life easy. I take life as it pass by and the computer is my faithful friend where I can pour my heart out. Every Ramadan, I stayed at the Holy Land and at any other time I just go abroad or local to see places where I have not been. Both cataracts removed and not aided by spectacles anymore. I am closing to 64 and how long more can I live?? I only take along the loin clothing and Allah blessings (if any) to the grave.

I believe what happened on 9 October 2003 was a blessing a test probably a penance from Allah. There is always a hikmah which I fully realize. Allah just doesn’t simply befall something to His humble servants.

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