Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another Operation.

Got to believe it!!

My bro in law (wife’s youngest bro) after four (4) bypasses made to his heart, he underwent another surgery. This time the Surgeons got to rewire the rib cage. It snapped off as he was so active and over confident in spite of my warnings to restrict his movement.

I was shocked that a day after the bypass he was up and about as if nothing happened. I know of patients that confined to bed for at least a week. After a couple of days, like a hero he drove the car and mandore the nephews planting young fruit trees at the Dusun. The only thing that he did not do was to restart the “Camel” non filter brand which he had been puffing away all these while.

This evening I visited him at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In the afternoon I abandoned the visit as he was sound asleep and I let him having a good rest. He was supposed to be transferred to the normal Ward but I advised the Nurses to hold on as his movement would be restricted and vigilante in the ICU. I glanced at the monitor and his blood pressure was 120/50. Young man, eh? My late neighbor lasted for thirteen (13) years.

My wife was worried stiff and I just took it easy as I know with the modern medical facilities and equipment coupled up with experience Surgeons in attendance, opening up the chest is chicken feed to them. I had my throat butchered on the operating table when both of my tonsils were removed by the ENT Surgeon. Frightened? Oh yes but when the anesthetic faded off and job done ……….happiness. For a month, I survived on rice porridge with fried blended anchovies.

As for my bro in law, I think I want to handcuff him in bed for a week.

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