Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day.

I would never miss this date and significant to my life. I never thought this guy was going to fool me. On 1st April 1974 a boy was born to this world. I had a son, breach delivered and personally attended by the State Gynecologist, Dr John Loh. I sent my wife to Seremban Hospital on the wee of the morning, got her admitted and happily drove home to Port Dickson to sleep. I did not expect the little guy would want to see the world that early at 0744 hours. He was 6 lb 10 oz baby and greeted this world with his legs first.

In the afternoon visiting hours I casually walked to the Maternity Ward and to my surprise he was already born but no where to be seen. The nurse told me he was placed in the incubator for observation. Confidently he was born without crying. I rushed to the incubator room to greet him and inspected that he was normal child. Thank Allah, all were in perfect condition and I said a silent prayer.

In the evening he was returned to my wife’s room and it was the first time I could touched him. He opened his eyes and moving his lips like smiling. I would remember that moment all through my life. I gave the honor to late Cikgu Haji Said Othman to whisper the azan to his ears. It was the happiest day of my life. I sent two telegrams to my parent and parent in law to announce his arrival.

Two days later, he was taken home and late Hajjah Azizah Yusuf cuddled him all the way to Port Dickson.

We name him….Muzaffar. A combination of Mustapa and Hanizah. Muzaffar is also the name of a famous Melaka Sultanate.

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