Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Post mortem and surgery.

Today everybody is doing a post mortem about yesterday elections. All sort of excuses and pointing of fingers. Those who lost felt the pain and misery of being defeated. I too felt the pain. One of my teeth was troubling me.

I went to see my Dentist and he recommended surgery to extract the problematic tooth. I was scared as that was the first time I had to part with one of my teeth. He assured me of the best anesthetic and completely painless. True enough, it was over within ten minutes. Thank you Dr Raj and from now on I would face you anytime without any doubt and fear. It cost me RM 170 for the surgery and the medic. No hot drinks and food for next one week and next week the stitches would be removed. For me, it would be no big deal.

My agony was over, but I do not know the agony of those Politicians who bit the dust yesterday. I had to bit the cotton bud to prevent bleeding.

Dato Sri Nizar, you still got to do a post mortem of your victory. There are more elections to come for better achievments.

1 comment:

zaaba said...


At last...jumpa gak dentist ingat dah tak mau..Bukan apa risau tak pasal pasal kawan kawan jadi mangsa..Anything...relak dulu kat umah...take care..