Tuesday, April 7, 2009


PAS won in Bukit Gantang, so as PKR at Bukit Selambau. We captured the two Bukit but lost Batang Ai. Where the hell is this place? Never mind, what is important to me most was Bukit Gantang. I wanted PAS to win there because it is in Perak, my home state which was high jacked lately. I am still sore about the takeover which was manipulated ungentlemanly. I salute the voters in Bukit Gantang who transformed the deposed Menteri Besar of Perak to Parliament. He will be facing Najib in Parliament. That would be interesting.

At Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau, they brought the retired Prime Minister who just jumped back to UMNO to campaign for the ruling party but it did not work to their favor.

My wish of 3 – 0 did not materialize but a score of 2 – 1 was good enough. I postponed my appointment with the Dentist today in order to catch up with the election vide internet. Tomorrow I would have that tooth removed and am also scared like hell just like waiting for the election results. It would be recorded in my life history that the first time I extract a tooth is the day after Ir Nizar Jamaluddin won the Bukit Gantang Parliamentary seat.

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