Before departing for the Holy Land several things had to be sorted out.
1. All utility Bills had to be settled - TNB, Telekom, Syabas etc etc.
2. Sedekah to the local Mosque for the Jemaah breaking of fasting during Ramadan.
3. Sedekah to Madarasah Tahfiz Al Quraan for the family arwah arwah.
4. To ensure the welfare of the family left behind is self sustains and the declaration of wasiat in case Allah invite to go home.
5. The car got to be serviced and left behind in tip top condition.
6. Inoculation of menniggocal and influenza.
7. Ihram and jubah got to be sent to the Laundry and iron.
8. Purchasing of new sets of toiletries, soap, tooth brushes etc.
9. Other accessories – extra hand phone, phone charger, camera, camera charger, two pin electrical plug, torchlight, sandal, sandal bag, clothes hangers, small scissor, nail clipper, luggage bag straps & tags, medication pills, reading glasses, jacket.
10. Credit cards in case of extreme shortage of cash, reference books, note book, Book on collections of doa & solat. etc.
11. To the Money Changer. Had to purchase in the region of RM 500 in value of Egyptian and Saudi Arabia currency each upon arrival at destinations. For extra utilization, to be changed locally.
12. Inform the usual correspondents to stop incoming emails from 7 August to 11 September. No time to go to Cyber Café in Mekah.
13. Aquate cash in hand.
14. Focus the nawaitu on ibadah, not for sightseeing or shopping. Revisions of all umrah rites on the wajib and the forbidden.
15. “Solat Taubat” just before leaving as the destiny is the first House of Allah and the Kaabah where all Muslims face to during prayers.
16. Leave the message to the neighbors and close buddies to render assistance if necessary to my folks left behind.
Above are the petty little things, though small but it is important. A small scissor for example, if you don’t have one, the Arab boy would demand sometimes up to 10 Riyal just to snip off your hair during tahlul. Who says Mekah is clean of bribery? Torchlight for example, when you return to the room late at night when your room mate is in deep slumber, surely you don’t want to disturb them by switching on the light. Use the torchlight and that is consideration. Allah would definitely consider your consideration.
I had a very bad experience during 2008 Ramadan umrah when one of my roommate, an ex Army Captain, (not a five star General) was utter disgusting and was very inconsiderate. One of the roommates was having fever and he blasted the room air condition to the maximum. When I told him to be considerate, when someone was sick he called for a fight. I think he was a Satan in disguise and that was the last I have anything to do with him. As far as I am concern this type of character can go to hell. The last I heard from his frequent Travel Agent, now even refuse to take him along due to his absurd character and personalities. One bound to meet all sorts of characters and Jekyll & Hyde personalities in Mekah. Focus to the intention (nawaitu) and solat of repenting (solat taubat) before flying off is prime importance.
YM Pak Engku Raja Sahar and Zaaba Kamarudin who were in the Holy Land recently had passed three (3) valid sim cards to be used in the Holy Land. Upon arrival I just got to top it up. No need for me to purchase a new one. That is already a convenient to me and I think Allah had paved the way for me to be repaid. I too had passed on my sim card to someone for Haj and umrah before. The point here, Allah will make the pilgrimage very much easier if sincerity is within you.
It is about a week from now that I am going to venture into the Land of the Prophets where Prophet Adam (pbuh) started. Allah banished Adam and Hawa seperately to Earth from Heaven and they finally met at Jabal Rahmah at the Desert of Arafah after several years searching for each other. Allah built the Kaabah in Mekah for Adam/Hawa to do the tawaf to repent. I am going to climb this Jabal Rahmah again, insyaalah to seek the blessing of Allah and to honor the meeting point of Adam and Hawa. Human beings began from there on. We are all originated from Adam and Hawa.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Hotels in Mekah.
Mekah Hotels that I had stayed from 1995 to 2009. Some had gone to the ground.
2009: Ramadan - Hotel Royal Sultan.
2008: Ramadan - Hotel Zahret Kamil.
2008: Umrah Cairo – Hotel Yaseen Palace.
2007: Ramadan - Hotel Al Nadj. – demolished.
2006: Ramadan - Hotel Al Nadj. – demolished.
2005: Ramadan - Hotel Al Nadj. – demolished.
2004: Umrah Istanbul – Hotel Hijaz.
2003: Umrah – Hotel Zahret Mekah. – demolished.
2002: Umrah – Hotel Heera. – demolished.
1999: Haj – Hilton Mekah Tower, 17th Floor.
1995: Family Umrah – Hotel Aziz Khouger. – demolished.
Tentative in 2010: Ramadan - Hotel Al Joud.
Due to the demolitions of hundreds of Hotels in Mekah, accommodations at the existing available Hotels had been jacked up by the Meccan Arabs. The Hotels pass over several hand, finally the Travel Agencies themselves do not know who actually own the Hotel. In Mekah they have Brokers too and they reap profits as the Malays said “atas angin”. Umrah Travel Agencies is having a field day adjusting the cost of per jemaah and the cost are getting nearer to perform a Haj. They have no choice, take it or leave it and the Jemaah has to bear. Take it or leave it too.
Only those who had seen the scenarios at Mekah would understand. Sometimes we think the Arabs are crazy, bring down the Hotels but it take years to redevelop the area. Where are the Jemaah going to stay? Yes, they had built Zam Zam Tower and Sofwah Tower but it is a six star Hotels and beyond the means of an ordinary guy like me and the rest. Only Millionaires and Politicians can afford to stay there. Retirees like me had to satisfy with the old ramshackle no star Hotels. Whatever, it is not that important to me. The importance is whether Allah blesses the “ibadah”. Staying at six star Hotels sometimes tend to be lazy to go to the Mosque due to the comfort. No offence to any particular person alive.
2010 Ramadan – Hotel Al Joud I had seen and been to the Hotel on my way to visit Tuan Haji Faharuddin & Hajjah who was staying at another Hotel nearby in 2009 Ramadan. I have choice of the iron staircase or elevators to get to Hotel Al Joud. The more steps to the Mosque get more blessings from Allah, insyaalah.......
2009: Ramadan - Hotel Royal Sultan.
2008: Ramadan - Hotel Zahret Kamil.
2008: Umrah Cairo – Hotel Yaseen Palace.
2007: Ramadan - Hotel Al Nadj. – demolished.
2006: Ramadan - Hotel Al Nadj. – demolished.
2005: Ramadan - Hotel Al Nadj. – demolished.
2004: Umrah Istanbul – Hotel Hijaz.
2003: Umrah – Hotel Zahret Mekah. – demolished.
2002: Umrah – Hotel Heera. – demolished.
1999: Haj – Hilton Mekah Tower, 17th Floor.
1995: Family Umrah – Hotel Aziz Khouger. – demolished.
Tentative in 2010: Ramadan - Hotel Al Joud.
Due to the demolitions of hundreds of Hotels in Mekah, accommodations at the existing available Hotels had been jacked up by the Meccan Arabs. The Hotels pass over several hand, finally the Travel Agencies themselves do not know who actually own the Hotel. In Mekah they have Brokers too and they reap profits as the Malays said “atas angin”. Umrah Travel Agencies is having a field day adjusting the cost of per jemaah and the cost are getting nearer to perform a Haj. They have no choice, take it or leave it and the Jemaah has to bear. Take it or leave it too.
Only those who had seen the scenarios at Mekah would understand. Sometimes we think the Arabs are crazy, bring down the Hotels but it take years to redevelop the area. Where are the Jemaah going to stay? Yes, they had built Zam Zam Tower and Sofwah Tower but it is a six star Hotels and beyond the means of an ordinary guy like me and the rest. Only Millionaires and Politicians can afford to stay there. Retirees like me had to satisfy with the old ramshackle no star Hotels. Whatever, it is not that important to me. The importance is whether Allah blesses the “ibadah”. Staying at six star Hotels sometimes tend to be lazy to go to the Mosque due to the comfort. No offence to any particular person alive.
2010 Ramadan – Hotel Al Joud I had seen and been to the Hotel on my way to visit Tuan Haji Faharuddin & Hajjah who was staying at another Hotel nearby in 2009 Ramadan. I have choice of the iron staircase or elevators to get to Hotel Al Joud. The more steps to the Mosque get more blessings from Allah, insyaalah.......
Thursday, July 29, 2010

It is now confirmed that Al Mukminin Travel had acquired Hotel Al Joud in Mekah. It is located right in front of Hotel Hijaz and right behind Hilton Mekah and Zam Zam Tower Complex. It is about 150 meters from the fringe of Masjidilharam dataran. As far as I am concern never regret for not withdrawing from Al Mukminin Travel. I thank Allah the Almighty for giving me the patience.
I don’t care what star the Hotel is, as long as I have a decent room, I am all right. The distance from the Hotel to the Mosque is equally important and I cannot agree more that I am grateful to Al Mukminin through the hard work of his counterpart in Mekah managed to acquire this Hotel. My past experience on the night of 27 Ramadan, Jemaah will lay their sejadah right to the frontage of this Hotel. It would be so crowded and overflowing.
I had seen the confirmed air ticket and my passport with the visa stamped by the Saudi Arabia Embassy. I just got to make myself presence at KLIA on 7 August 2010 at 2230 hours. What else can I do, except to say in my prayers that Allah would grant my presence in the Holy Land for 2010 Ramadan?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Good News.
Casually, called Ustaz Mokhzar of Al Mukminin Travel and he informed all set for the flight on 8 August 2010. Twenty six (26) Jemaah on the confirmed list and three (3) more of latest additional visa application under process. The twenty six Visa from the Saudi Arabian Embassy approved. Currently there would be twenty nine (29) of us in the entourage. Thirty (30) tickets with Egypt Air had been pre booked and only one (1) more seat still available.
The best news – Al Mukminin Representative in Mekah is working hard on acquiring a better accommodation in Mekah very much nearer to Masjidilharam. The prospect of getting a Hotel just in front of Hotel Hijaz right behind Mekah Hilton and 150 meters away from the Mosque fringes is very promising. I had stayed in Hotel Hijaz before and I can get almost everything around Hijaz. The best briyani in Mekah is besides Hijaz. Whatever, I really don’t bother where the final accommodation for this year Ramadan umrah as Allah had destined where to allocate me. I just requested for consideration with Ustaz Mokhzar not at Masjid Kuching area as the space in the Mosque vide this entrance is limited.
Very excited and looking forward to revisit Medina and Mekah. Personal obligations prior to this trip had been fulfilled. Khenduri & doa tahlil yes, meeting my mother yes and visiting my late father’s grave also yes.
I met the Mosque Chief Imam this morning and inquired when I would be back. I told him plainly, insyaalah after Aidilfitri because I don’t want to bear witness the stupid speech and remark from the Mosque Nazir as had happened at the last solat Aidilfitri. It was not Islamic and sheer disgusting. He threw the Mosque into complete chaos and at the end of the day, what’s the point? Yours truly purposely avoid the same scenario maybe, preventing the unnecessary boiling of my blood pressure. Aidilfitri meant to be a day of rejoicing and forgiving. I decided to abstain myself from congregating in the Mosque with his presence during the forthcoming solat Aidilfitri, therefore I choose to fly home after Aidilfitri.
Solat sunat Aidilfitri at Masjidilharam can get 100,000 blessing compared to only 27 at Masjid Kampung Raja Uda. That’s the good news being told by Allah from day in history.
The best news – Al Mukminin Representative in Mekah is working hard on acquiring a better accommodation in Mekah very much nearer to Masjidilharam. The prospect of getting a Hotel just in front of Hotel Hijaz right behind Mekah Hilton and 150 meters away from the Mosque fringes is very promising. I had stayed in Hotel Hijaz before and I can get almost everything around Hijaz. The best briyani in Mekah is besides Hijaz. Whatever, I really don’t bother where the final accommodation for this year Ramadan umrah as Allah had destined where to allocate me. I just requested for consideration with Ustaz Mokhzar not at Masjid Kuching area as the space in the Mosque vide this entrance is limited.
Very excited and looking forward to revisit Medina and Mekah. Personal obligations prior to this trip had been fulfilled. Khenduri & doa tahlil yes, meeting my mother yes and visiting my late father’s grave also yes.
I met the Mosque Chief Imam this morning and inquired when I would be back. I told him plainly, insyaalah after Aidilfitri because I don’t want to bear witness the stupid speech and remark from the Mosque Nazir as had happened at the last solat Aidilfitri. It was not Islamic and sheer disgusting. He threw the Mosque into complete chaos and at the end of the day, what’s the point? Yours truly purposely avoid the same scenario maybe, preventing the unnecessary boiling of my blood pressure. Aidilfitri meant to be a day of rejoicing and forgiving. I decided to abstain myself from congregating in the Mosque with his presence during the forthcoming solat Aidilfitri, therefore I choose to fly home after Aidilfitri.
Solat sunat Aidilfitri at Masjidilharam can get 100,000 blessing compared to only 27 at Masjid Kampung Raja Uda. That’s the good news being told by Allah from day in history.
I Dreamt.
After visiting and blogging about the old house where I was born, that very same night I had a beautiful dream.
It was a night and I was in the house all alone and the house was all bright lighted up. The front windows were open and I was standing by it looking out as if for fresh air. Outside was pitching dark. The old settee was there and the house setting was just like I was there last. The old battery operated Philip radio and the single glass show case cupboard. I saw my iron spring bed at the same place and I sat on it. I looked into the room and the black antique wardrobe still standing with my late grandfather’s spears leaning besides. I walked to it and open one of the two drawers. Among the piles I found my old exercise books when I was in Primary School.
Suddenly I woke up and it was all a dream.
I think I was in deep thought about the house recalling past memories. Too emotional and sentimental during the visit and I emulated my own vision if the house is mine during the journey back home. I recalled sometimes during the early year of Merdeka, this house won the prize as the most beautiful and well kept house in the kampong. Every year during the peak mid of the durian season all the family clan near and far would gather in this house, balik kampong for durian fiesta and the making of dodol durian, lempuk and tempoyak. I was a small kid then and my late grandfather would make us running after the chickens to be slaughtered. The house would be in wonder land during Hari Raya when I planted “pelita panjut” all round.
I could remember of four weddings of my four aunties in this house. My late grandmother wanted to have one of mine in this house but I had other plan.
It was a beautiful era of my life, no responsibilities, and no visions of the future and took the coming of sunrise as just another ordinary day. 55 years from there on, I am as what I am today. Those days would never come again only the nostalgia remains. I wish I can come back to those times again, the beautiful memories of the once beautiful kampong house.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Balik Kampong.
I left the house with black hair and I came back with white hair.
Over breakfast, I finalized my plan with Malek about the trip to Perak on 26 July 2010. Azhar overheard and he was interested tagging along to buy Perak durian. He volunteered to use his car, fuel sponsored and I was more than happy. Malek will take the wheel. That would be great.
We left at 0900 hrs and stopped for breakfast at Rawang R & R. Since we had the whole day to ourselves it would be free and easy trip, taking our sweet time and no hurry.
Suddenly I thought of my old kampong house where I was born and I wanted to revisit the house. Sometimes this house appeared in my dreams. We exit at Sungkai and entered Kampong Bikam. The kampong landscape had definitely changed and new houses sprung along both sides the once lonely road. The old house is now abandoned with no electricity but there is water supply. I stopped and took several shots of the old house and stood numb silence in disbelief. My memories went back to the good old days where I had to close all the windows at dusk preventing the mosquitoes from sucking the occupant blood. The mangosteen tree on the right where I used to climb is now taller and the house kitchen section was missing. The well was covered with undergrowth. My presence attracted the curiosity of the front neighbor and after introducing who I was she recollected her memory. I don’t blame her, who was this stranger on someone property?
Maybe this would be my last visit to this house. Who knows? It was unfortunate I did not have the opportunity to run up the familiar staircase, open the thick wooden doors and venture into the house. I have no authority to do so. The house is now belongs to an individual in the family clan but the house is not open to the members of the clan. Very much regret that this “Rumah Pesaka” is rotting away and my future generations will not be able to see where I was born and bred. That’s the trouble when someone just do not value heritage. This house should be repaired; infrastructures in place and turn into weekend retreat for everybody in the family clan who wants to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. We therefore can claim of “Balik Kampong”.
Next, I stopped in Bidor to buy some local fruits for my folks back home in Ipoh. Greeted my mother in Ipoh and told her personally of my pilgrimage to the Holy Land during Ramadan. She wished me the entire best of my ibadah umrah and safe journey. I promised her that my wife and daughter would visit her during Ramadan. I handed her the gifts from my wife.
Since Azhar was interested about durian I called my acquaintance Haji Nasir at Kampong Kubu Garam. Haji Nasir whom I knew during my 1999 Haj has a big durian orchard. I was shocked when the receiver on the other end told me Haji Nasir had passed away. I managed to talk to the arwah’s wife Hajjah Hamidah and she told me the husband had passed away three (3) years ago. I felt guilty and sorry. Guilty for not contacting and communicate with the family for these past years. I offered my sincere condolence, apologetic and regret. Some days I would drop by to visit her who is now on wheel chair and not too good health wise.
After tea we left for my paternal kampong of Padang Tenggala at Bota Kanan. That was one of the two (2) main itineraries - to visit my late father’s grave. On the way we had lunch at Sri Iskandar. I was fortunate I had “gulai tempoyak ikan patin”, my favourite delicacies which seldom found in Port Klang. Azhar and Malek enjoyed the grilled fish with the cili padi sauce.
I arrived at the Graveyard just after zohor and by my late father’s grave I recited the doa for his safe and Allah protection at “alam barzakh”. This is my routine, without fail every time before I leave for my Ramadan umrah, I must pay a visit to his eternal residence. I will seek for Allah blessings in front of the Kaabah to accommodate my late father in Janatul Firdaus - the best among the Kingdom of Paradise.
I called Haji Wahab at Manjong and it was unfortunate that he urgently had to go to the Thai border to get a new stock of cows for his farm. He had to get a new healthy stock of cows for the Aidiladha under the supervision of his children while he would be away with me in the Holy Land during Ramadan. So, the trip to Lumut was called off. Most unfortunate as my wife had told me to buy Lumut anchovies.
Along the road back to Port Klang, Azhar managed to buy some durians by the road sides at Pasir Salak and Sungkai. It was quite cheap comparatively as they sold the durian by the number not by kilos as in Port Klang. Instantly I remember Shasha used to say, “Atok………..nak duyan”. For that little girl, I bought five, three for her and two for me. Cost me RM 25. When recollecting, I used to play under a durian tree and those days, I gave away durian for free. Now I have to buy durian and moreover I have no more “dusun durian” to go to. Only memories and nostalgia lingers.
At Bukit Jelutong R & R we stopped for our zohor and asar qasar prayers. At the R & R I had a drink at Pak Berahim Coffee Kiosk. Pak Berahim was the former Security Guard at Wisma Guthrie and he was shocked when he learnt about the demise of Dato Ismayuddin Manan.
We reached base just before Maghreb safe and sound but tired. Missions accomplished except meeting Haji Wahab - the Cowboy of Manjong.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Housekeeping for the Arwah2.
Early Sunday morning 25 July 2010 Good Allah Servants and family members of the Graveyard permanent residents of the kampong gathered at the Graveyard to do spring cleaning of the graveyard lots/compound and a new coat of paint to the concrete fencing.
Hundred or so came with their respective tools and families. Materials like paint, paint brush, gloves etc were sponsored including breakfast and lunch prepared by the WI Members.
The program kicked on with communal tahlil conducted by Imam Ahmad Jebah and followed with breakfast. It was announced as expected the Ketua Kampong was unavailable to present his good self. Anyway he did send his Representative, his wife. Another similar program is being set on the same Graveyard by the Mosque and JKKK next Saturday as on Sunday these “Green” people are fully occupied with “Kuliah Duha” at the “Pasar Tani” compound.
Senior Mosque Committee Members were nowhere to be seen and the only ordinary Committee member presence and participated in the gotong royong was Major (Rtd) Boestamam, the Chairman of Infrastructure & Social Affair Bureau. The rest, Allah knows where. “Gotong royong” is a communal affair and nothing to do with political ideology. It is appropriate to cancel a “kuliah duha” and get everybody of all colors to be involved in the “gotong royong”.
A “Spy Baba” appeared just before noon and stayed on for free lunch. Let it be known that not a single cent was utilized from the Mosque or JKKK fund. The Graveyard Bureau seek for sponsorship to make this communal function a success. Those who participated donated their sweat and time.
I left way before lunch because I had an appointment with Ex Guthrien at Damansara Heights, KL.
The spring cleaning ended at 1830 hours. I think there is not much to do this coming Saturday except to call on respective family members to clean the respective lots of their relatives.
I wish to record my personal sincere appreciation and job well done to Haji Ahmad Jebah, Haji Murad and WanZainal. Allah will assist and bless every ways if our nawaitu is focus for the good of fellow Muslims.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Second Wedding.
It was the second visit to this place to attend a wedding reception on 24 July 2010 afternoon. It was at Dewan De’ Seri Endon Puspanitapuri Building Putrajaya. The Host was Hj Asmawi Hj Hashim and Puan Hatipah Hj Jamal to a wedding reception of their son Meor Azlan to Yazmaliza Yusuf.
The couple resides in Los Angeles USA, PR status and came back to Malaysia to solemnize their marriage (akad nikah) and organize the wedding function. My brother Amran and wife hitched a ride and became my Navigator as we approached Putrajaya from Subang Jaya of which I was not familiar with. The Navigator missed a junction anyway and we took a grand tour of Putrajaya until I located the PM Office. I could not be wrong as Dewan Sri Endon is by the lake before Sri Perdana.
The reception was simple but met its purpose. Wedding is a get together affair and to make public that the knot had been tied. At the same time it was a gathering of acquaintances and relatives. Haji Asmawi the bridegroom father is the brother in law of one of my uncle. The cousins and their siblings were present and it was very nice to see them busy giving a helping hand to merry make the function. The brothers and wives were allocated a table, Amran, Jamal and me. Nephew Khairil Dato Malek is leaving for his umrah on 25 July 2010 and gave him some useful tips. Cousin Jeffrul Tariq did not honor the two (2) packets of Benson that he owed me from the World Cup. I told him never mind, insyaalah see you in Sao Paulo Brazil in 2014.
The weather was fine all the way to/from Putrajaya and the Saturday traffic was moderate. Back home in Port Klang at 1530 hours in time for zohor.
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Happening.
Thursday evening 22 July 2010.
Thursday night is Friday night for the Muslims and the normal practice at the Mosque was the reciting of the “surah yasin” and followed with “tahllil arwah” led by the Imam. The regular kampong Jemaah was mostly present. The only Mosque Committee Member present in the Mosque was the Treasurer. The rest of the Committee Members, Allah knows where? It seems not important and “bidaah” to some for reading the surah yasin and tahlil at Malam Jumaat. Contrary to the previous night where there was a kuliah ugama by an Ustaz from their political party, the Mosque was packed. It was not only by the normal kampong Jemaah but rather strange faces from surrounding areas that thronged the Mosque to hear the explosive Ustaz.
After the tahlil there was commotion in the Mosque. Unknown hooligan snatched out a handbag of one of the Muslimah while she was praying. It had been warned several times that Ladies had to be extra vigilant with their handbags while praying in this Mosque. It had happened umpteen times. I just don’t understand in spite of the hundreds of kuliah ugama conducted in the Mosque and Pasar Tani, there are still hooligans who don’t understand what Islam is all about. Stealing is already an act of haram and stealing in the Mosque is even worse. Perhaps we should implement “hudud” but then again even in Masjidilharam, there are also thieves.
The Imam then announced that Tahfiz* Al Quraan would be deployed during the forthcoming Terawih Prayer in Ramadan. The Tahfiz would complete a chapter of the Quraan at every night. I laud the idea; at least the Mosque Jemaah can feel how terawih prayer is being conducted at Masjidilharam or Masjidil Nabawi. All the kampong residents should participate so that the Mosque and the nights of Ramadan can be glorified. At the Mosques in Medina and Mekah there is a five (5) minutes break after the ten (10) rakaats and the interchange of Imam.
*Tahfiz – someone that can memorise the thrirty (30) Chapters of the Al Quraan.
Friday Prayer 23 July 2010.
It was announced in the Mosque that there will be two (2) sessions of “gotong royong” to clean the Kampong Graveyard compound. On Sunday 25 July 2010 and Saturday 31 July 2010. The 25 July Sunday, organized by the Graveyard Bureau and on the 31 July Saturday by the Mosque Committee. Sunday was chosen because those who are employed are available and free but the JKKK is having a Kuliah Duha at the Pasar Tani ground. Therefore the Mosque Committee in collaboration with the kampong JKKK decided to hold another session of “gotong royong” on Saturday 31 July. On this issue it is a clear cut case that the kampong residents are disunited and going after different directions.
There seem to be a jinx. Every time Imam Haji Khairuddin becomes the Friday Imam, the public address systems seem to shy away. During the khutbah, the audio was cracking and sort out in time but when he lead the Friday prayer, the public address system came to a complete silence. Those in the Mosque behind him could hear him faintly but those outside it was silence and the prayer was only guided by the actions of other Jemaah from inside. Concentration was affected. I was lucky as my normal place is at the extreme right of the first shaf (line) in the Mosque proper.
The Mosque Committee should address this problem seriously once and for all as Ramadan is coming. There will be a lot of activities planned in the Mosque during Ramadan. If they cannot address the problem, please step aside and let someone handle the management of the Mosque affair. I still believe someone with technical knowhow should be appointed in the Committee to sort out technical problems. Square peg cannot fit into a round hole.
It never happened before. Being a veteran and regular of this Mosque since 1984, I feel somehow disappointed but what can I do?
Thursday night is Friday night for the Muslims and the normal practice at the Mosque was the reciting of the “surah yasin” and followed with “tahllil arwah” led by the Imam. The regular kampong Jemaah was mostly present. The only Mosque Committee Member present in the Mosque was the Treasurer. The rest of the Committee Members, Allah knows where? It seems not important and “bidaah” to some for reading the surah yasin and tahlil at Malam Jumaat. Contrary to the previous night where there was a kuliah ugama by an Ustaz from their political party, the Mosque was packed. It was not only by the normal kampong Jemaah but rather strange faces from surrounding areas that thronged the Mosque to hear the explosive Ustaz.
After the tahlil there was commotion in the Mosque. Unknown hooligan snatched out a handbag of one of the Muslimah while she was praying. It had been warned several times that Ladies had to be extra vigilant with their handbags while praying in this Mosque. It had happened umpteen times. I just don’t understand in spite of the hundreds of kuliah ugama conducted in the Mosque and Pasar Tani, there are still hooligans who don’t understand what Islam is all about. Stealing is already an act of haram and stealing in the Mosque is even worse. Perhaps we should implement “hudud” but then again even in Masjidilharam, there are also thieves.
The Imam then announced that Tahfiz* Al Quraan would be deployed during the forthcoming Terawih Prayer in Ramadan. The Tahfiz would complete a chapter of the Quraan at every night. I laud the idea; at least the Mosque Jemaah can feel how terawih prayer is being conducted at Masjidilharam or Masjidil Nabawi. All the kampong residents should participate so that the Mosque and the nights of Ramadan can be glorified. At the Mosques in Medina and Mekah there is a five (5) minutes break after the ten (10) rakaats and the interchange of Imam.
*Tahfiz – someone that can memorise the thrirty (30) Chapters of the Al Quraan.
Friday Prayer 23 July 2010.
It was announced in the Mosque that there will be two (2) sessions of “gotong royong” to clean the Kampong Graveyard compound. On Sunday 25 July 2010 and Saturday 31 July 2010. The 25 July Sunday, organized by the Graveyard Bureau and on the 31 July Saturday by the Mosque Committee. Sunday was chosen because those who are employed are available and free but the JKKK is having a Kuliah Duha at the Pasar Tani ground. Therefore the Mosque Committee in collaboration with the kampong JKKK decided to hold another session of “gotong royong” on Saturday 31 July. On this issue it is a clear cut case that the kampong residents are disunited and going after different directions.
There seem to be a jinx. Every time Imam Haji Khairuddin becomes the Friday Imam, the public address systems seem to shy away. During the khutbah, the audio was cracking and sort out in time but when he lead the Friday prayer, the public address system came to a complete silence. Those in the Mosque behind him could hear him faintly but those outside it was silence and the prayer was only guided by the actions of other Jemaah from inside. Concentration was affected. I was lucky as my normal place is at the extreme right of the first shaf (line) in the Mosque proper.
The Mosque Committee should address this problem seriously once and for all as Ramadan is coming. There will be a lot of activities planned in the Mosque during Ramadan. If they cannot address the problem, please step aside and let someone handle the management of the Mosque affair. I still believe someone with technical knowhow should be appointed in the Committee to sort out technical problems. Square peg cannot fit into a round hole.
It never happened before. Being a veteran and regular of this Mosque since 1984, I feel somehow disappointed but what can I do?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
You want to be an Expert?
If you want to become an expert in Islamic studies within a year, welcome and stay in Kampong Raja Uda and be my neighbor.
How? I will tell you how.
1. In one (1) year there are 52 weeks. You can attend 52 sessions of kuliah duha at every Sunday morning at the Pasar Tani ground nearby.
2. In one (1) year there are estimated 104 Saturday and Sundays. You attend all the 104 kuliah subuh.
3. Friday Ceramah pre Friday prayer, twice a month = 24 ceramah.
4. In one (1) year there are twelve (12) months and every month you have at least twenty (20) kuliah Maghreb with the exception of Ramadan, replace with tazkirah. So, 20 kuliahs X 11 months = 220 kuliahs.
5. Total within a year: 52 + 104 + 24 + 220 = 400 kuliahs. (Four Hundred).
6. For the Muslimah (Ladies) only, there are three (3) extra afternoon kuliah sessions per month = 12 months X 3 = 36 kuliahs = 436 kuliahs.
7. Aren’t the above numbers, great?
8. No need to pay a single cent just presence at the Mosque or Pasar Tani.
When the box or bag comes around, just insert whatever amount you like. Just voluntarily. “Fisabilillah”. (For the sake of Allah). On top of that every Thursday night after the Isyakh prayer, free drinks and snacks available in the Mosque. At the Pasar Tani, the trick is, choose to sit with someone loaded and can get complimentary roti canai and teh tarik.
9. If you are tired cross legging in the Mosque there is a coffee kiosk (Warung) behind the Mosque. Sipping coffee and follow the kuliah simultaneously similar situation at the Pasar Tani.
Capable and able to attend at all the 400 kuliahs (436) ranging from various subjects in Islamic studies + subsidiary subjects on politics from the visiting Ustaz within a year surely would turn you to be an expert. Perhaps you too can graduate as an Ustaz. Obtain the necessary credential (tauliah) and can start preaching at the various Mosques and Suraus. Good way to earn a living, no income tax. Keep staying for another year or two in Kampong Raja Uda, for what you know; you can even become a Mufti.
Perhaps I can become one soon as I am staying just behind the Mosque. If ever I absence myself from the Mosque for some unavoidable reasons, I still can follow the kuliahs vide the Mosque public address system.
That’s the best thing to happen after PR government toppled the BN. All the kampong residents would be Allah fearing human being and I can start removing all the iron grills at the windows and doors.
Good for the kampong residents as during the BN Government they were all suppose to be Infidels (kafir) and belong to the Jahiliyah Tribe. Awareness of the Islamic religion is now being planted to all the Muslims resident brain and hearts who were born Muslims and now all would be more knowledgeable and Expert.
After all the 400 or so kuliahs, I just hope during the forthcoming Aidilfitri prayer, there will be no more personality smearing addressing to the Mosque congregation as transpired during 2009 Aidilfitri. Surely the Ustaz must have preached that we Muslims must address and converse only about good things in the Mosque. Intentional and unethical dialogue in the House of Allah which is against the Rule of Allah taught by the Holy Prophet Mohamad (pbuh) is dishonoured and despised by Allah. I learnt this since I was a small kid from my late grandfather and from late Ustaz Manap at my kampong Surau, sometimes late 50s. If ever I break the law, my place thereafter would be forever in the burning Hell.
How? I will tell you how.
1. In one (1) year there are 52 weeks. You can attend 52 sessions of kuliah duha at every Sunday morning at the Pasar Tani ground nearby.
2. In one (1) year there are estimated 104 Saturday and Sundays. You attend all the 104 kuliah subuh.
3. Friday Ceramah pre Friday prayer, twice a month = 24 ceramah.
4. In one (1) year there are twelve (12) months and every month you have at least twenty (20) kuliah Maghreb with the exception of Ramadan, replace with tazkirah. So, 20 kuliahs X 11 months = 220 kuliahs.
5. Total within a year: 52 + 104 + 24 + 220 = 400 kuliahs. (Four Hundred).
6. For the Muslimah (Ladies) only, there are three (3) extra afternoon kuliah sessions per month = 12 months X 3 = 36 kuliahs = 436 kuliahs.
7. Aren’t the above numbers, great?
8. No need to pay a single cent just presence at the Mosque or Pasar Tani.
When the box or bag comes around, just insert whatever amount you like. Just voluntarily. “Fisabilillah”. (For the sake of Allah). On top of that every Thursday night after the Isyakh prayer, free drinks and snacks available in the Mosque. At the Pasar Tani, the trick is, choose to sit with someone loaded and can get complimentary roti canai and teh tarik.
9. If you are tired cross legging in the Mosque there is a coffee kiosk (Warung) behind the Mosque. Sipping coffee and follow the kuliah simultaneously similar situation at the Pasar Tani.
Capable and able to attend at all the 400 kuliahs (436) ranging from various subjects in Islamic studies + subsidiary subjects on politics from the visiting Ustaz within a year surely would turn you to be an expert. Perhaps you too can graduate as an Ustaz. Obtain the necessary credential (tauliah) and can start preaching at the various Mosques and Suraus. Good way to earn a living, no income tax. Keep staying for another year or two in Kampong Raja Uda, for what you know; you can even become a Mufti.
Perhaps I can become one soon as I am staying just behind the Mosque. If ever I absence myself from the Mosque for some unavoidable reasons, I still can follow the kuliahs vide the Mosque public address system.
That’s the best thing to happen after PR government toppled the BN. All the kampong residents would be Allah fearing human being and I can start removing all the iron grills at the windows and doors.
Good for the kampong residents as during the BN Government they were all suppose to be Infidels (kafir) and belong to the Jahiliyah Tribe. Awareness of the Islamic religion is now being planted to all the Muslims resident brain and hearts who were born Muslims and now all would be more knowledgeable and Expert.
After all the 400 or so kuliahs, I just hope during the forthcoming Aidilfitri prayer, there will be no more personality smearing addressing to the Mosque congregation as transpired during 2009 Aidilfitri. Surely the Ustaz must have preached that we Muslims must address and converse only about good things in the Mosque. Intentional and unethical dialogue in the House of Allah which is against the Rule of Allah taught by the Holy Prophet Mohamad (pbuh) is dishonoured and despised by Allah. I learnt this since I was a small kid from my late grandfather and from late Ustaz Manap at my kampong Surau, sometimes late 50s. If ever I break the law, my place thereafter would be forever in the burning Hell.
Monday, July 19, 2010
It's Final.
I have made up my mind that I would stick on with Al Mukminin Travel for the 2010 Ramadan umrah. With the negotiated undisclosed price and to avoid complications with alternative Travel Agency I finally decided. However my buddy from Melaka withdrew and we now travel separately only to rendezvous in Mekah later, insyaalah.
Coincide with the coming Ramadan Al Mubarak and my one month away in the Holy Land; the family organized a “kenduri, tahlil arwah and doa selamat”. My guests were the Marhaban Group and associates together with close friends after the Isyakh prayer on Sunday 18 July 2010. The “tahlil” was led by my friend Encik Ali Termizi as the Imam, Tuan Haji Khairuddin was away at another “tahlil arwah” engagement but turned up at my house soon after.
The menu was home cook nasi briyani, beef rendang, prawn sambal, fried chicken and dalca. We occupied the Sunday morning in the kitchen till late in the evening and I chose the easiest, frying the chicken. For deserts, the neighbors gave a helping hand donating Malay traditional kuihs, jelly and caramels.
Shasha and Darwis.

Busy with Dinner.
I took the opportunity to invite the potential six (6) Allah Guests to the Holy Land who would also be performing the 2010 Ramadan umrah. I was glad that all make their presence.
1. Imam Haji Khairudin.
2. Haji Shamsuddin Razak.
3. Haji Nordin Wazir.
4. Haji Adenan Rais.
5. Haji Jaafar Ahmad.
6. Encik Yusuf Adol – the Mosque Bilal.
Seven (7) of the regular Jemaah would be missing from the kampong Mosque during most/some period of Ramadan and we will be performing the “terawih” at Masjidilharam, insyaalah. We will be going by separate Travel Agencies and except for Haji Nordin Wazir and me who would be spending a month, the rest would only be performing the umrah for the last two (2) weeks of Ramadan only. With the modern hand phone technology we should be able to get hold of one another there.
My itinerary set by Al Mukminin Travel would be as follows:
Date.........Flight........ ETD....... ETA..........Place
7 August.................... 2200...... 2330........Home/KLIA
8 August... MS 969..0130........0630........KLIA/Cairo
9 August......................................................Cairo
10 August....................................................Cairo/ Alexandria
11 August....MS 671...1530........2010........Cairo/Jeddah
12 August.....................................................Medina
13 August.....................................................Medina
14 August.....................................................Medina/Mekah
15 August.....................................................Mekah
I seek for Allah blessings as my pilgrimage to Baitullah (House of Allah) is to surrender myself and prepared for any outcome that befalls upon me.
If all goes well, I should be back at homeland on 11 September 2010, the anniversary where Bush declared “War on Terror” and innocent Muslims became a victim. Boarding a plane is now a miserable affair.
Those who would be going for 2010 Ramadan umrah.
From left: Imam Haji Khairuddin, Haji Adenan, Haji Jaafar Ahmad, Bilal Yusuf, Haji Shamsuddin, Haji Nordin and Haji Mustapa (yours truly).
I took the opportunity to invite the potential six (6) Allah Guests to the Holy Land who would also be performing the 2010 Ramadan umrah. I was glad that all make their presence.
1. Imam Haji Khairudin.
2. Haji Shamsuddin Razak.
3. Haji Nordin Wazir.
4. Haji Adenan Rais.
5. Haji Jaafar Ahmad.
6. Encik Yusuf Adol – the Mosque Bilal.
Seven (7) of the regular Jemaah would be missing from the kampong Mosque during most/some period of Ramadan and we will be performing the “terawih” at Masjidilharam, insyaalah. We will be going by separate Travel Agencies and except for Haji Nordin Wazir and me who would be spending a month, the rest would only be performing the umrah for the last two (2) weeks of Ramadan only. With the modern hand phone technology we should be able to get hold of one another there.
My itinerary set by Al Mukminin Travel would be as follows:
Date.........Flight........ ETD....... ETA..........Place
7 August.................... 2200...... 2330........Home/KLIA
8 August... MS 969..0130........0630........KLIA/Cairo
9 August......................................................Cairo
10 August....................................................Cairo/ Alexandria
11 August....MS 671...1530........2010........Cairo/Jeddah
12 August.....................................................Medina
13 August.....................................................Medina
14 August.....................................................Medina/Mekah
15 August.....................................................Mekah
10 Sept.........................................................Mekah
10 Sept ....MS 672 ...1830...... 2045..........Jeddah/Cairo
11 Sept .....MS 968...0115........1615 ..........Cairo/KLIA
Hotel Cairo: Cosmopolitan Hotel.
Hotel Medina: Fayroz.
Hotel Mekah: Manazel Al Raed.
Airline: Egypt Air.
Travel Agency: Al Mukminin Travel.
Group Leader & Facilitator: Ustaz Mokhdzar Abdullah. (016 2687272).
Three (3) weeks from now I will set foot at KLIA to begin a lonely journey to the Land of the Prophets and insyaalah my journey to seek for “Lailatulkadar” (A night of thousands blessings) at any of the odd nights from 20th to 30th. Ramadan Al Mubarak would be granted by Almighty Allah.
10 Sept.........................................................Mekah
10 Sept ....MS 672 ...1830...... 2045..........Jeddah/Cairo
11 Sept .....MS 968...0115........1615 ..........Cairo/KLIA
Hotel Cairo: Cosmopolitan Hotel.
Hotel Medina: Fayroz.
Hotel Mekah: Manazel Al Raed.
Airline: Egypt Air.
Travel Agency: Al Mukminin Travel.
Group Leader & Facilitator: Ustaz Mokhdzar Abdullah. (016 2687272).
Three (3) weeks from now I will set foot at KLIA to begin a lonely journey to the Land of the Prophets and insyaalah my journey to seek for “Lailatulkadar” (A night of thousands blessings) at any of the odd nights from 20th to 30th. Ramadan Al Mubarak would be granted by Almighty Allah.
I seek for Allah blessings as my pilgrimage to Baitullah (House of Allah) is to surrender myself and prepared for any outcome that befalls upon me.
If all goes well, I should be back at homeland on 11 September 2010, the anniversary where Bush declared “War on Terror” and innocent Muslims became a victim. Boarding a plane is now a miserable affair.
Greetings for Ramadan al Mubarak and Salam Aidilfitri. May your ibadah during Ramadan being bless by Almighty Allah.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
What to do with the extra?
It was once claimed that the landfill donated by the kampong residents at the New Mosque site was inadequate, over quoted and the supply Contractor was short changing and fooled the kampong residents. Fingers were pointed on malpractices and cronyism. Up to this date these people concern still harping on the issue. Two (2) kampong idiots initiated the issue and flared the whole kampong burning sentiment of hate and vengeance.
Suddenly now that the main structure of the New Mosque is up, the Building Contractor found out that there is an excess of landfill and it has to be cleared for the crusher run for laying the tarmac and parking area.
What I see the best possible way is to transfer the excess landfill is to the kampong Graveyard. It just cannot be sent as landfill at any other places. Alternatively, identify a location where a Mosque is proposed and sent the landfill there but again the question of transport cost and who is going to bear?
The landfill was donated by the kampong residents and by various parties with the intention as foundation of a Mosque and it is called upon by Allah. The kampong residents were delighted that the propose New Mosque is materializing and they rushed to donate. Personally I called upon family members and acquaintances to take the opportunity.
Transferring the excess landfill to the Graveyard will keep their mouth shut? I don’t think so as they will now claim that the intention of land filling was unnecessary in the first instant and a burden to some. Donating to the Mosque or to the Graveyard, to me is equally similar, for the good cause.
That’s the trouble with these “Green” people. Everything that others do is wrong and what they do is always right.
Suddenly now that the main structure of the New Mosque is up, the Building Contractor found out that there is an excess of landfill and it has to be cleared for the crusher run for laying the tarmac and parking area.
What I see the best possible way is to transfer the excess landfill is to the kampong Graveyard. It just cannot be sent as landfill at any other places. Alternatively, identify a location where a Mosque is proposed and sent the landfill there but again the question of transport cost and who is going to bear?
The landfill was donated by the kampong residents and by various parties with the intention as foundation of a Mosque and it is called upon by Allah. The kampong residents were delighted that the propose New Mosque is materializing and they rushed to donate. Personally I called upon family members and acquaintances to take the opportunity.
Transferring the excess landfill to the Graveyard will keep their mouth shut? I don’t think so as they will now claim that the intention of land filling was unnecessary in the first instant and a burden to some. Donating to the Mosque or to the Graveyard, to me is equally similar, for the good cause.
That’s the trouble with these “Green” people. Everything that others do is wrong and what they do is always right.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Attended the briefing at Almukmin Travel Office and I was confused. The one month Ramadan umrah rate had suddenly increased by RM 2360 from the RM 8990 as quoted earlier. Finally the total cost would be RM 11355. Ya Allah, Mak Datok ………………that had definitely surpassed my budget and I was scratching my head where to dig for the extra RM 2360.
I understand, Hotel rooms are getting scares in Mekah and the Meccan Arabs are capitalizing. The Arabs are famous for reaping profits during Ramadan and Hajj season and the rest of the year, they are enjoying the harvest. When I performed my Hajj in 1999 the total cost was cheaper than Ramadan umrah 2010.
I called up Haji Adenan about his tentative last fortnight Ramadan umrah and he quoted to me his Travel Agent is charging RM 9600 – RM 9700 for thirty three (33) days vide MAS and RM 8700 for thirty four (34) days by Air Lanka. Considerably it’s cheaper.
I had to inform Haji Bakir my co partner in Melaka about the price increment by Al Mukminin. He was fuming mad at the other end and insisted that he wish to withdraw. What can I do? It is his money. Immediately his daughter got hold of a Travel Agent and the offer would be only RM 9800 via Singapore Airline. That too is cheaper.
The catch here by Al Mukminin is the three (3) days in Cairo which I am not really keen in the first instance as I had been there before and Haji Bakir was not really interested to stopover at another country. With the quoted price of RM 8990 he doesn’t mind and me too, why not?
I have a couple of days to decide whether to stick on with Al Mukminin or withdraw and run off to another Travel Agent. I am the Customer and its fair that I get the best deal. Money doesn’t grow on tree. I have to act fast or else I will miss the present opportunity and the other options available. I dare not comment how these Ramadan umrah Travel Agencies operate as they too have to survive and marking up profit is what business all about.
This is the first test by Allah. Allah will test our patience before He accepts our presence to His House as His Honorable Guest.
I understand, Hotel rooms are getting scares in Mekah and the Meccan Arabs are capitalizing. The Arabs are famous for reaping profits during Ramadan and Hajj season and the rest of the year, they are enjoying the harvest. When I performed my Hajj in 1999 the total cost was cheaper than Ramadan umrah 2010.
I called up Haji Adenan about his tentative last fortnight Ramadan umrah and he quoted to me his Travel Agent is charging RM 9600 – RM 9700 for thirty three (33) days vide MAS and RM 8700 for thirty four (34) days by Air Lanka. Considerably it’s cheaper.
I had to inform Haji Bakir my co partner in Melaka about the price increment by Al Mukminin. He was fuming mad at the other end and insisted that he wish to withdraw. What can I do? It is his money. Immediately his daughter got hold of a Travel Agent and the offer would be only RM 9800 via Singapore Airline. That too is cheaper.
The catch here by Al Mukminin is the three (3) days in Cairo which I am not really keen in the first instance as I had been there before and Haji Bakir was not really interested to stopover at another country. With the quoted price of RM 8990 he doesn’t mind and me too, why not?
I have a couple of days to decide whether to stick on with Al Mukminin or withdraw and run off to another Travel Agent. I am the Customer and its fair that I get the best deal. Money doesn’t grow on tree. I have to act fast or else I will miss the present opportunity and the other options available. I dare not comment how these Ramadan umrah Travel Agencies operate as they too have to survive and marking up profit is what business all about.
This is the first test by Allah. Allah will test our patience before He accepts our presence to His House as His Honorable Guest.
Friday, July 16, 2010
World cup final 2010 - South Africa.

I was busy with funerals, weddings and kenduris lately and I this is a belated entry. That morning I was behind Netherland as it was the only team that was unbeaten to the Final run up.
Spain 1, Netherland 0. Goal scored during the last four minute of 2nd period of extra time by Andres Iniesta when Netherland left with 10 men on the field.
Howard Webb the English Referee flashed the record number of yellow cards in the 2010 World Cup matches but only flashed one (1) red to Heitinger of Netherland.
Arjen Robben of Netherland missed one to one situation with the Spanish Goalkeeper and the other he was pulled by Puyol on the way towards goal but Howard Webb pretended to see. That should be a straight red as Arjen Robben was heading towards goal. My personal opinion Howard Webb was a bad choice to referee the match. Since it was all European Final, the Referee should be from the Americas, Africans or Asians.
Howard Webb handed out 14 yellow cards in all - including two to Heitinga – and the England's representative in the field had to earn his corn at Soccer City Stadium. The decision he definitely got wrong - awarding a goal-kick when the Netherlands should have had a corner for a deflected free-kick - resulted in Spain's winner a couple of minutes later.
The Spanish were good actors and Howard Webb enjoyed flashing the cards to the Dutch. I don’t like this guy and during EPL matches Wayne Rooney had several encounters with him.
Spain is the current European Champion and 2010 World Cup. I was behind the Dutch and utterly disappointed they lost the game with a narrow score line and at the last moment of the extra time. I would be less disappointed if the Dutch lost on penalty kicks.
The World Cup remains in Europe for the next four (4) years. Next World Cup 2014 would be hosted by Brazil. See you in Sao Paulo in 2014. God knows whether I would be spot on in front of the box.
My life is now reverting as per normal.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
KRU New Mosque as at 14 July 2010.
May Allah bless him.
Awaiting for the Dome.
Left section of the Mosque.
All round Main Prayer Hall ready for plastering.
The Mimbar and the Imam corner.
Area beside the Mimbar.
Mimbar under construction.
Back left view of the Mosque.
Left section of the Mosque, behind the minaret.
Ladies wuduk area.
View from the Multipurpose Hall.
Bricklaying Ladies changing Room.
The Main Arch structure.
The last I was at the New Mosque complex was 15 June 2010, about a month ago. My anxiety to record the progress on weekly basis faded (lost steam) due to the political struggle within. I am not emphasizing personalities involved but the modus operandi of intention is very clear.
The latest as I understand:
Up to this date, 14 July 2010, the Ex Committee still do not receive anything in writing from Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) the Minute of the 04 June 2010, Meeting regarding the dissolving of the Committee nor the confirmation of null and void of JAIS Director’s letter of dated 04 February 2010.
My personal opinion, those concerns should be fair to the Ex Committee Members. It has to be recorded and confirmed in writing where they stand. Confirming their voluntary services had been duly terminated (rested off) and endorsed by JAIS. Surely after more than one (1) month, somebody in JAIS can come out with a simple minute? Somebody still disagree what transpired at the Meeting? Somebody just conduct and make up their personal decision without the Director’s approval? Thousand and one questions came up to my “stupid” mind. Confusing scenario.
Whatever…….am still praying and doa in my daily five (5) prayers that the construction of the New Mosque would be on schedule for the Kampung Raja Uda residents. The Ex Committee had handed everything to the very last sen to the Authority. They (we) are just watching the progress from a distance. They had washed their hands cleaned.
The last I was at the New Mosque complex was 15 June 2010, about a month ago. My anxiety to record the progress on weekly basis faded (lost steam) due to the political struggle within. I am not emphasizing personalities involved but the modus operandi of intention is very clear.
The latest as I understand:
Up to this date, 14 July 2010, the Ex Committee still do not receive anything in writing from Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (JAIS) the Minute of the 04 June 2010, Meeting regarding the dissolving of the Committee nor the confirmation of null and void of JAIS Director’s letter of dated 04 February 2010.
My personal opinion, those concerns should be fair to the Ex Committee Members. It has to be recorded and confirmed in writing where they stand. Confirming their voluntary services had been duly terminated (rested off) and endorsed by JAIS. Surely after more than one (1) month, somebody in JAIS can come out with a simple minute? Somebody still disagree what transpired at the Meeting? Somebody just conduct and make up their personal decision without the Director’s approval? Thousand and one questions came up to my “stupid” mind. Confusing scenario.
Whatever…….am still praying and doa in my daily five (5) prayers that the construction of the New Mosque would be on schedule for the Kampung Raja Uda residents. The Ex Committee had handed everything to the very last sen to the Authority. They (we) are just watching the progress from a distance. They had washed their hands cleaned.
Don’t worry mate, Allah is watching too.
The latest progress of the New Mosque is about 60% and by January/ February 2011 should be ready. Aidiladha 2010 would not be ready.
The latest progress of the New Mosque is about 60% and by January/ February 2011 should be ready. Aidiladha 2010 would not be ready.
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