I have made up my mind that I would stick on with Al Mukminin Travel for the 2010 Ramadan umrah. With the negotiated undisclosed price and to avoid complications with alternative Travel Agency I finally decided. However my buddy from Melaka withdrew and we now travel separately only to rendezvous in Mekah later, insyaalah.
Coincide with the coming Ramadan Al Mubarak and my one month away in the Holy Land; the family organized a “kenduri, tahlil arwah and doa selamat”. My guests were the Marhaban Group and associates together with close friends after the Isyakh prayer on Sunday 18 July 2010. The “tahlil” was led by my friend Encik Ali Termizi as the Imam, Tuan Haji Khairuddin was away at another “tahlil arwah” engagement but turned up at my house soon after.
The menu was home cook nasi briyani, beef rendang, prawn sambal, fried chicken and dalca. We occupied the Sunday morning in the kitchen till late in the evening and I chose the easiest, frying the chicken. For deserts, the neighbors gave a helping hand donating Malay traditional kuihs, jelly and caramels.
Shasha and Darwis.

Busy with Dinner.
I took the opportunity to invite the potential six (6) Allah Guests to the Holy Land who would also be performing the 2010 Ramadan umrah. I was glad that all make their presence.
1. Imam Haji Khairudin.
2. Haji Shamsuddin Razak.
3. Haji Nordin Wazir.
4. Haji Adenan Rais.
5. Haji Jaafar Ahmad.
6. Encik Yusuf Adol – the Mosque Bilal.
Seven (7) of the regular Jemaah would be missing from the kampong Mosque during most/some period of Ramadan and we will be performing the “terawih” at Masjidilharam, insyaalah. We will be going by separate Travel Agencies and except for Haji Nordin Wazir and me who would be spending a month, the rest would only be performing the umrah for the last two (2) weeks of Ramadan only. With the modern hand phone technology we should be able to get hold of one another there.
My itinerary set by Al Mukminin Travel would be as follows:
Date.........Flight........ ETD....... ETA..........Place
7 August.................... 2200...... 2330........Home/KLIA
8 August... MS 969..0130........0630........KLIA/Cairo
9 August......................................................Cairo
10 August....................................................Cairo/ Alexandria
11 August....MS 671...1530........2010........Cairo/Jeddah
12 August.....................................................Medina
13 August.....................................................Medina
14 August.....................................................Medina/Mekah
15 August.....................................................Mekah
I seek for Allah blessings as my pilgrimage to Baitullah (House of Allah) is to surrender myself and prepared for any outcome that befalls upon me.
If all goes well, I should be back at homeland on 11 September 2010, the anniversary where Bush declared “War on Terror” and innocent Muslims became a victim. Boarding a plane is now a miserable affair.
Those who would be going for 2010 Ramadan umrah.
From left: Imam Haji Khairuddin, Haji Adenan, Haji Jaafar Ahmad, Bilal Yusuf, Haji Shamsuddin, Haji Nordin and Haji Mustapa (yours truly).
I took the opportunity to invite the potential six (6) Allah Guests to the Holy Land who would also be performing the 2010 Ramadan umrah. I was glad that all make their presence.
1. Imam Haji Khairudin.
2. Haji Shamsuddin Razak.
3. Haji Nordin Wazir.
4. Haji Adenan Rais.
5. Haji Jaafar Ahmad.
6. Encik Yusuf Adol – the Mosque Bilal.
Seven (7) of the regular Jemaah would be missing from the kampong Mosque during most/some period of Ramadan and we will be performing the “terawih” at Masjidilharam, insyaalah. We will be going by separate Travel Agencies and except for Haji Nordin Wazir and me who would be spending a month, the rest would only be performing the umrah for the last two (2) weeks of Ramadan only. With the modern hand phone technology we should be able to get hold of one another there.
My itinerary set by Al Mukminin Travel would be as follows:
Date.........Flight........ ETD....... ETA..........Place
7 August.................... 2200...... 2330........Home/KLIA
8 August... MS 969..0130........0630........KLIA/Cairo
9 August......................................................Cairo
10 August....................................................Cairo/ Alexandria
11 August....MS 671...1530........2010........Cairo/Jeddah
12 August.....................................................Medina
13 August.....................................................Medina
14 August.....................................................Medina/Mekah
15 August.....................................................Mekah
10 Sept.........................................................Mekah
10 Sept ....MS 672 ...1830...... 2045..........Jeddah/Cairo
11 Sept .....MS 968...0115........1615 ..........Cairo/KLIA
Hotel Cairo: Cosmopolitan Hotel.
Hotel Medina: Fayroz.
Hotel Mekah: Manazel Al Raed.
Airline: Egypt Air.
Travel Agency: Al Mukminin Travel.
Group Leader & Facilitator: Ustaz Mokhdzar Abdullah. (016 2687272).
Three (3) weeks from now I will set foot at KLIA to begin a lonely journey to the Land of the Prophets and insyaalah my journey to seek for “Lailatulkadar” (A night of thousands blessings) at any of the odd nights from 20th to 30th. Ramadan Al Mubarak would be granted by Almighty Allah.
10 Sept.........................................................Mekah
10 Sept ....MS 672 ...1830...... 2045..........Jeddah/Cairo
11 Sept .....MS 968...0115........1615 ..........Cairo/KLIA
Hotel Cairo: Cosmopolitan Hotel.
Hotel Medina: Fayroz.
Hotel Mekah: Manazel Al Raed.
Airline: Egypt Air.
Travel Agency: Al Mukminin Travel.
Group Leader & Facilitator: Ustaz Mokhdzar Abdullah. (016 2687272).
Three (3) weeks from now I will set foot at KLIA to begin a lonely journey to the Land of the Prophets and insyaalah my journey to seek for “Lailatulkadar” (A night of thousands blessings) at any of the odd nights from 20th to 30th. Ramadan Al Mubarak would be granted by Almighty Allah.
I seek for Allah blessings as my pilgrimage to Baitullah (House of Allah) is to surrender myself and prepared for any outcome that befalls upon me.
If all goes well, I should be back at homeland on 11 September 2010, the anniversary where Bush declared “War on Terror” and innocent Muslims became a victim. Boarding a plane is now a miserable affair.
Greetings for Ramadan al Mubarak and Salam Aidilfitri. May your ibadah during Ramadan being bless by Almighty Allah.
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