It is now confirmed that Al Mukminin Travel had acquired Hotel Al Joud in Mekah. It is located right in front of Hotel Hijaz and right behind Hilton Mekah and Zam Zam Tower Complex. It is about 150 meters from the fringe of Masjidilharam dataran. As far as I am concern never regret for not withdrawing from Al Mukminin Travel. I thank Allah the Almighty for giving me the patience.
I don’t care what star the Hotel is, as long as I have a decent room, I am all right. The distance from the Hotel to the Mosque is equally important and I cannot agree more that I am grateful to Al Mukminin through the hard work of his counterpart in Mekah managed to acquire this Hotel. My past experience on the night of 27 Ramadan, Jemaah will lay their sejadah right to the frontage of this Hotel. It would be so crowded and overflowing.
I had seen the confirmed air ticket and my passport with the visa stamped by the Saudi Arabia Embassy. I just got to make myself presence at KLIA on 7 August 2010 at 2230 hours. What else can I do, except to say in my prayers that Allah would grant my presence in the Holy Land for 2010 Ramadan?
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