Saturday, July 17, 2010


Attended the briefing at Almukmin Travel Office and I was confused. The one month Ramadan umrah rate had suddenly increased by RM 2360 from the RM 8990 as quoted earlier. Finally the total cost would be RM 11355. Ya Allah, Mak Datok ………………that had definitely surpassed my budget and I was scratching my head where to dig for the extra RM 2360.

I understand, Hotel rooms are getting scares in Mekah and the Meccan Arabs are capitalizing. The Arabs are famous for reaping profits during Ramadan and Hajj season and the rest of the year, they are enjoying the harvest. When I performed my Hajj in 1999 the total cost was cheaper than Ramadan umrah 2010.

I called up Haji Adenan about his tentative last fortnight Ramadan umrah and he quoted to me his Travel Agent is charging RM 9600 – RM 9700 for thirty three (33) days vide MAS and RM 8700 for thirty four (34) days by Air Lanka. Considerably it’s cheaper.

I had to inform Haji Bakir my co partner in Melaka about the price increment by Al Mukminin. He was fuming mad at the other end and insisted that he wish to withdraw. What can I do? It is his money. Immediately his daughter got hold of a Travel Agent and the offer would be only RM 9800 via Singapore Airline. That too is cheaper.

The catch here by Al Mukminin is the three (3) days in Cairo which I am not really keen in the first instance as I had been there before and Haji Bakir was not really interested to stopover at another country. With the quoted price of RM 8990 he doesn’t mind and me too, why not?

I have a couple of days to decide whether to stick on with Al Mukminin or withdraw and run off to another Travel Agent. I am the Customer and its fair that I get the best deal. Money doesn’t grow on tree. I have to act fast or else I will miss the present opportunity and the other options available. I dare not comment how these Ramadan umrah Travel Agencies operate as they too have to survive and marking up profit is what business all about.

This is the first test by Allah. Allah will test our patience before He accepts our presence to His House as His Honorable Guest.

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