It was the second visit to this place to attend a wedding reception on 24 July 2010 afternoon. It was at Dewan De’ Seri Endon Puspanitapuri Building Putrajaya. The Host was Hj Asmawi Hj Hashim and Puan Hatipah Hj Jamal to a wedding reception of their son Meor Azlan to Yazmaliza Yusuf.
The couple resides in Los Angeles USA, PR status and came back to Malaysia to solemnize their marriage (akad nikah) and organize the wedding function. My brother Amran and wife hitched a ride and became my Navigator as we approached Putrajaya from Subang Jaya of which I was not familiar with. The Navigator missed a junction anyway and we took a grand tour of Putrajaya until I located the PM Office. I could not be wrong as Dewan Sri Endon is by the lake before Sri Perdana.
The reception was simple but met its purpose. Wedding is a get together affair and to make public that the knot had been tied. At the same time it was a gathering of acquaintances and relatives. Haji Asmawi the bridegroom father is the brother in law of one of my uncle. The cousins and their siblings were present and it was very nice to see them busy giving a helping hand to merry make the function. The brothers and wives were allocated a table, Amran, Jamal and me. Nephew Khairil Dato Malek is leaving for his umrah on 25 July 2010 and gave him some useful tips. Cousin Jeffrul Tariq did not honor the two (2) packets of Benson that he owed me from the World Cup. I told him never mind, insyaalah see you in Sao Paulo Brazil in 2014.
The weather was fine all the way to/from Putrajaya and the Saturday traffic was moderate. Back home in Port Klang at 1530 hours in time for zohor.
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