(Dato in batik).
Dato thinking far off.
What to do with these Marketing guys?
Dato Haji Ismayudin was my former Boss, Director Plantation & Marketing of Kumpulan Guthrie before he left to join DRB Hicom. He was a Planter by profession and one of the Malay pioneers in the industry. I reported directly to him and it was the best moment of my tenure in Kumpulan Guthrie. The most understanding Boss I ever had. His ever remembered quotation “if you have any problem, find the best alternatives, then you come and brief me. It is your job to solve your problem”. He used to walk into my office unnoticed during Ramadan just for the fun of catching me off guard puffing away.
The last time I met the late Dato personally was on 2 August 2009 when Farid, Mrs Farid and me visited him at his residence. (Refer to 3 August 2009 posting). It was only sometimes last month that I talked to him over the phone.
Farid and I left for Staffield Golf & Country Home, near Mantin where Dato retreat for his retirement and now his body lying in state. We paid our condolences to Datin Hajah Zainab, popular among us as Kak Nab. We stayed on until the solat jenazah and I was please to be present bidding farewell to late Dato Haji Ismayudin to his final resting place at Kajang Muslim Cemetary.
Among the ex Guthrien who paid the last respect whom I met was Rahim Hassan, Azizi Meor Ngah, Farid Mohd, Sharif Shah, Hajjah Juanitai, Salmah, Safiah Ismail, Azmi Ibni Hajar, Christie Robert, Tan Kok Leong, Philip Mathews, Che Mat Ghani, Zainuddin, Tamby Omar, Haji Kamalul, Haji Makmur, Haji Mahmud, Haji Zakaria Otman, Rosely Kusip, Musaladin, Haji Roslan Yusuf, Mohd Alwi, Haji Abu Hanipah, Haji Ahmad Termizi, Shukri Abdullah and Zainal Ahmad. Othman Walat and Haji Nageeb were represented by their wives as they were away overseas.
I was sad when Dato left Kumpulan Guthrie but I was even sadder when he left the world. To my Boss and friend, Dato Haji Ismayudin or Tuan Haji I will always remember you.

What to do with these Marketing guys?
I was serious briefing him of the scenario.
After the late evening session.

It was a sad phone call came from Haji Nageeb in the early morning just after my subuh prayer on 12 July 2010 that Dato Haji Ismayudin Manan had returned to the Creator, Almighty Allah. I was stunned for a moment.
Immediately I contacted Farid Mohamed and Safiah Ismail who was my Departmental mate telling them to spread around the sad news.
Dato Haji Ismayudin was my former Boss, Director Plantation & Marketing of Kumpulan Guthrie before he left to join DRB Hicom. He was a Planter by profession and one of the Malay pioneers in the industry. I reported directly to him and it was the best moment of my tenure in Kumpulan Guthrie. The most understanding Boss I ever had. His ever remembered quotation “if you have any problem, find the best alternatives, then you come and brief me. It is your job to solve your problem”. He used to walk into my office unnoticed during Ramadan just for the fun of catching me off guard puffing away.
The last time I met the late Dato personally was on 2 August 2009 when Farid, Mrs Farid and me visited him at his residence. (Refer to 3 August 2009 posting). It was only sometimes last month that I talked to him over the phone.
Dato Haji Ismayudin loves the green and clean environment and on a free weekend we ventured into the wilderness camping and fishing. We covered Tasik Bera, Tasik Cini and Tasik Kenyir. To be around him during outdoor tour was fun and he would relate his past experiences and journey from the Estates as a Cadet Planter to a Plantation Director. To me he was a very humble, down to earth and at work he was fair in his judgment. I had few shelling from him but typical of European styles of management, the next moment all was forgotten. He gave time for explanation before he delivered his sermon.
Dato Haji Ismayudin loves the green and clean environment and on a free weekend we ventured into the wilderness camping and fishing. We covered Tasik Bera, Tasik Cini and Tasik Kenyir. To be around him during outdoor tour was fun and he would relate his past experiences and journey from the Estates as a Cadet Planter to a Plantation Director. To me he was a very humble, down to earth and at work he was fair in his judgment. I had few shelling from him but typical of European styles of management, the next moment all was forgotten. He gave time for explanation before he delivered his sermon.
Farid and I left for Staffield Golf & Country Home, near Mantin where Dato retreat for his retirement and now his body lying in state. We paid our condolences to Datin Hajah Zainab, popular among us as Kak Nab. We stayed on until the solat jenazah and I was please to be present bidding farewell to late Dato Haji Ismayudin to his final resting place at Kajang Muslim Cemetary.
Among the ex Guthrien who paid the last respect whom I met was Rahim Hassan, Azizi Meor Ngah, Farid Mohd, Sharif Shah, Hajjah Juanitai, Salmah, Safiah Ismail, Azmi Ibni Hajar, Christie Robert, Tan Kok Leong, Philip Mathews, Che Mat Ghani, Zainuddin, Tamby Omar, Haji Kamalul, Haji Makmur, Haji Mahmud, Haji Zakaria Otman, Rosely Kusip, Musaladin, Haji Roslan Yusuf, Mohd Alwi, Haji Abu Hanipah, Haji Ahmad Termizi, Shukri Abdullah and Zainal Ahmad. Othman Walat and Haji Nageeb were represented by their wives as they were away overseas.
I was sad when Dato left Kumpulan Guthrie but I was even sadder when he left the world. To my Boss and friend, Dato Haji Ismayudin or Tuan Haji I will always remember you.
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